
Amends powers of STW Executive Council; administratively places
Council within the Department of Education; reinstates the
Director of Human Services on the Council and removes the
Director of Human Resources Development; and appropriates
unspecified funds for the Council.  (HB2280 CD1)


HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                H.B. NO.           H.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                S.D. 1
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  Act 343, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, is amended
 2 by amending section 1 to read as follows:
 3      "SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that Hawaii and the rest
 4 of the states are undertaking a major initiative that involves
 5 reforming education, developing its workforce, and stimulating
 6 economic development.  The states are attempting to create a
 7 school-to-work system that all major industrialized countries
 8 have in place except for the United States.  To help accomplish
 9 this, Congress enacted the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of
10 1994, P.L. 103-239.  Hawaii will [receive $10,200,000 over a
11 five-year period to build] have received $10,625,000 by September
12 2000, to assist in building a school-to-work system.
13      Building a school-to-work [opportunities] system is a
14 difficult and enormous undertaking.  It requires systemic change
15 and involvement of all segments of the community in the effort,
16 particularly business, industry, and labor.  Moreover, it must
17 involve all of education from kindergarten [to] through
18 postsecondary education, all academic and vocational disciplines,
19 and all students.


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 1      Building a school-to-work system requires time.  The School-
 2 to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994, P.L. 103-239, provided five
 3 years of "seed" money to begin the process.  Five years is not
 4 enough time to bring about the systemic changes that need to
 5 occur.  If school-to-work is to continue, then it must receive
 6 support from state and local entities.
 7      The purpose of this Act is to [establish] continue the
 8 development of a school-to-work [opportunities] system in Hawaii,
 9 including the mechanism for governance, management, and
10 distribution of federal and state resources."
11      SECTION 2.  Act 343, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, is amended
12 by amending section 2 to read as follows:
13      "SECTION 2.  Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
14 amended by adding a new part to be appropriately designated and
15 to read as follows:
17                          SCHOOL-TO-WORK
18      §302A-   Hawaii school-to-work [opportunities] executive
19 council; establishment; composition.(a)  There is established a
20 Hawaii school-to-work [opportunities] executive council.  The
21 members of the council shall be appointed by the governor.  The
22 council shall consist of up to, but not more than, twenty-one
23 members.  Council membership shall consist of [six]:


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 1      (1)  Six executive heads of state agencies, [the] serving as
 2           ex officio voting members:
 3           (A)  The superintendent of [the department of]
 4                education[, the];
 5           (B)  The president of the University of Hawaii[, the];
 6           (C)  The state director [of vocational] for career and
 7                technical education[, and the]; and
 8           (D)  The directors of the departments of business,
 9                economic development, and tourism, human services,
10                and labor and industrial relations[, serving as ex
11                officio voting members.  Representatives from
12                local or regional partnerships, a];
13           and
14      (2)  A member of:
15           (A)  The board of education designated by the
16                chairperson of the board of education; and
17           (B)  The board of regents of the University of Hawaii
18                designated by the chair of the board of regents.
19 A student member[,] and a voting majority representing business,
20 industry, labor, and community organizations [which] that include
21 regional representations from all counties shall be appointed
22 pursuant to section 26-34.


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 1      (b)  The length of service for [the]:
 2      (1)  The directors of departments of the State represented
 3           on the council shall be limited to the terms of their
 4           cabinet appointments[.];
 5      (2)  The terms of the superintendent of education, the
 6           president of the University of Hawaii, and the state
 7           director for career and technical education shall be
 8           limited to their terms of office;
 9      (3)  The terms of the board of education and board of
10           regents members shall be at the discretion of the
11           chairs of the respective boards; and
12      (4)  The terms of all non-state agency head members shall be
13           for three years, commencing on July 1 of the first year
14           and ending on June 30, of the third year.
15 Terms shall be staggered with one-third of the members being
16 appointed in each fiscal year.
17      [(b)](c)  Vacancies shall be filled by the governor for the
18 unexpired term.  The governor shall appoint as chairperson of the
19 council a member other than a state agency head or a board of
20 education or board of regents member who shall be recommended by
21 the council.
22      [(c)](d)  The council members shall serve without pay but
23 shall be entitled to their traveling expenses within the State


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 1 when attending meetings of the council or when actually engaged
 2 in business relating to the work of the council.
 3      §302A-   Powers of the council.  The powers of the Hawaii
 4 school-to-work [opportunities] executive council shall include[,]
 5 but not be limited to:
 6      (1)  Establishing and setting the general directions and
 7           policy for the Hawaii school-to-work [opportunities]
 8           system[,] and its council[, and executive director];
 9      (2)  [Appointing, supervising, and if necessary, discharging
10           the executive director, not subject to chapters 76 and
11           77;] Advising the department on the appointment of
12           staff;
13 .    (3)  Establishing rules and procedures regarding its
14           membership and operations;
15      (4)  Seeking federal, state, and private resources;
16     [(4)] (5)  Approving expenditure plans and award
17           grants/contracts;
18     [(5)] (6)  Ratifying the establishment of all necessary
19           standing and ad hoc committees; and
20     [(6)] (7)  Engaging in such activities as may be necessary or
21           desirable to implement the functions of the School-to-
22           Work Opportunities Act of 1994, and of the council or
23           through delegation to [the executive director.] the
24           department of education.


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 1      §302A-   Staff.  The [Hawaii school-to-work opportunities
 2 executive council] department may appoint such staff as deemed
 3 necessary, not subject to chapters 76 and 77, to carry out [its]
 4 the functions and duties[.] of school-to-work.  [The staff of the
 5 council shall report to the executive director.]
 6      §302A-   Contracts.  The Hawaii school-to-work
 7 [opportunities] executive council [or its executive director] may
 8 advise the department to make, execute, enter into, amend,
 9 supplement, and carry out contracts, and all other instruments
10 the council finds are necessary or convenient for the fulfillment
11 of its functions and duties.
12      §302A-   Organizational relationships.  The Hawaii school-
13 to-work [opportunities] executive council shall act as the
14 [governing] advocacy board for the school-to-work system.  The
15 Hawaii school-to-work [opportunities] council [and staff] shall
16 be placed within the department of education for administrative
17 purposes.""
18      SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general
19 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $200,000 or so much
20 thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2000-2001 to provide
21 funds for the Hawaii school-to-work executive council.  The funds
22 may be used to carry out the council's responsibilities relating
23 to school-based learning, work-based learning, evaluation, fiscal
24 accounting, and administration.


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 1      The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of
 2 education for the purposes of this Act.
 3      SECTION 4.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed.
 4 New statutory material is underscored.
 5      SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2000.