SB 2893 SD 1 HD 1


By Senator(s) MIZUGUCHI (BR)

Companion Bill: HB 2552

Subjects: Governor


Report Title: Minimum Wage

Description: Raises the minimum wage to $5.75 and leaves the tip credit amount blank in 2003. (SB2893 HD1)

 1-25-00        S Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 1-27-00        S Referred to 1. LRE 2. WAM                                
 1-31-00        S Bill scheduled to be heard by LRE on 02-03-00 at
                  1:00 p.m. in conference room 225
 2- 3-00        S The committee on LRE recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, UNAMENDED.
 2- 3-00        S The votes in LRE were as follows: 5 Ayes: Senator(s)        
                  Nakata, M. Ige, Chun Oakland, Ihara, Kanno; Ayes
                  with reservations: Senator(s) ; 1 Noes: Senator(s)
                  Slom; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Chumbley, Fukunaga
 2-16-00        S Reported from LRE (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 2119) with
                  recommendation of passage on Second Reading and
                  referral to WAM
 2-16-00        S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading and referred
                  to WAM.
 2-26-00        S Bill scheduled for decision making by WAM on
                  02-28-00 at 6:00 p.m. in conference room 211.
 2-28-00        S The measure is deferred until 03-01-00 at 6:00 p.m.         
                  in conference room 211.
 3- 2-00        S The committee on WAM recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 3- 2-00        S The votes in WAM were as follows: 10 Ayes:
                  Senator(s) Fukunaga, Levin, Chun Oakland, Nakata;
                  Ayes with reservations: Senator(s) Buen, D. Ige, M.         
                  Ige, Iwase, Kawamoto, Tam; none Noes: Senator(s) ;
                  and 3 Excused: Senator(s) Chun, Taniguchi, Anderson
 3- 3-00        S Reported from WAM (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 2719) with
                  recommendation of passage on Third Reading, as
                  amended (SD 1)
 3- 3-00        S 48 hours notice 03-07-00                                 
 3- 7-00        S Report adopted; Passed Third Reading, as amended (SD        
                  1). Ayes, 19.  Noes, 6 (Anderson, D. Ige, Inouye,
                  Sakamoto, Slom, Tanaka).  Excused, none ().
 3- 7-00        S Transmitted to House                                     
 3- 7-00        H Received from Senate (Sen. Com. No. 296)                 
 3- 9-00        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 3- 9-00        H Referred to the committees on LAB/EDB, and then
                  referred to the committee on FIN, referral sheet 29
 3-15-00        H Bill scheduled to be heard by LAB/EDB on Friday,
                  03/17/00 at 10:00 A.M. in House conference room
 3-17-00        H The committee(s) recommends that the measure be
 3-21-00        H Bill scheduled for decision making on Thursday,
                  03-23-00 at 10:30 A.M. in House conference room
 3-23-00        H The committees on LAB/EDB recommend that the
                  measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 3-23-00        H The votes in LAB were as follows:6 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Yoshinaga, Catalani, Hiraki, Nakasone, Takai, Moses;        
                  Ayes with reservations: Rep.(s) ; 1 Noes: Rep.(s)
                  Rath; and 3 Excused: Rep.(s) Goodenow, Okamura,
                  Saiki; and
 3-23-00        H The votes in EDB were as follows:7 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Luke, Abinsay, Ahu Isa, Espero, Morihara, Suzuki,
                  Halford; Ayes with reservations: Rep.(s) ; 1 Noes:
                  Rep.(s) Rath; and 5 Excused: Rep.(s) Herkes, Chang,         
                  Ito, Kaho`ohalahala, Whalen
 3-24-00        H Reported from the committee on LAB/EDB (Stand. Com.
                  Rep. No. 1080-00) as amended in (HD 1), recommending        
                  passage on Second Reading and referral to the
                  committee on FIN
 3-24-00        H Passed Second Reading as amended in (HD 1) and
                  referred to the committee on FIN
 3-24-00        H The vote was as follows:  46 aye(s) to 2 no(es),
                  with Representative(s) Meyer, Rath voting no and
                  Representative(s) Okamura, Pendleton, Takamine