SB 1344


By Senator(s) MIZUGUCHI (BR)

Companion Bill: HB 1472

Subjects: Conference of Personnel Directors

Report Title: Collective Bargaining

Description: Amends the collective bargaining law to reduce conflicts of interest situations for middle managers and full supervisors, prohibit retroactivity of collective bargaining cost items, clarify the intent of precedential and preemptive language, and clarify resolutions of impasse by arbitration proceedings.

 1-26-99        S Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 1-28-99        S Referred to 1. LRE 2. WAM                                
 2-12-99        S Bill scheduled to be heard by LRE on 02-16-99 at
                  1:30 p.m. in conference room 225
 2-12-99        H This measure has been deleted from the hearing
                  scheduled on 02-16-99 for the committee on LRE.
 1-19-00        S Carried over to 2000 Regular Session.