SB 1231 SD 3 HD 2


By Senator(s) CHUN OAKLAND

Companion Bill: HB 297


Report Title: Smoking in the Workplace

Description: Prohibits smoking in enclosed areas in state and county workplaces. Provides for the department of health to enforce compliance in state workplaces, and for the mayors to enforce compliance in county workplaces. Allows the counties to impose stricter provisions regarding smoking in workplaces. (SB1231 HD2)

 1-26-99        S Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 1-28-99        S Referred to 1. HHS 2. LRE                                
 2- 8-99        S Bill scheduled to be heard by HHS on 02-12-99 at
                  3:00 p.m. in conference room 229
 2-12-99        S The measure is deferred until 02-19-99 at 1:00 p.m.         
                  in conference room 229.
 2-19-99        S The committee on HHS recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 2-19-99        S The votes in HHS were as follows: 4 Ayes: Senator(s)        
                  Chun Oakland, Iwase, Fukunaga, Levin; Ayes with
                  reservations: Senator(s) ; none Noes: Senator(s) ;
                  and 1 Excused: Senator(s) Anderson
 2-19-99        S Reported from HHS (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 437) with
                  recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as
                  amended (SD 1) and referral to LRE
 2-19-99        S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended
                  (SD 1) and referred to LRE.
 2-25-99        S Bill scheduled to be heard by LRE on 03-02-99 at
                  3:00 p.m. in conference room 225
 3- 2-99        S The measure is deferred until 03-04-99 at 1:00 p.m.         
                  in conference room 225.
 3- 4-99        S The committee on LRE recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 3- 4-99        S The votes in LRE were as follows: 4 Ayes: Senator(s)        
                  Nakata, Chun Oakland, Ihara, Kanno; Ayes with
                  reservations: Senator(s) ; 2 Noes: Senator(s) M.
                  Ige, Slom; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Chumbley,
 3- 5-99        S Reported from LRE (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 584) with
                  recommendation of passage on Third Reading, as
                  amended (SD 2)
 3- 5-99        S 48 hours notice 03-09-99                                 
 3- 9-99        S Floor Amendment No. 18 offered.                          
 3- 9-99        S Separated Committee Report.                              
 3- 9-99        S Floor amendment adopted as amended (SD 3).               
 3- 9-99        S 48 hours notice                                          
 3-11-99        S Passed Third Reading, as amended (SD 3). Ayes, 18.          
                  Noes, 6 (Anderson, Buen, M. Ige, Iwase, Sakamoto,
                  Slom).  Excused, 1 (Tanaka).
 3-11-99        S Transmitted to House                                     
 3-11-99        H Received from Senate (Sen. Com. No. 379)                 
 3-12-99        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 3-12-99        H Referred to the committees on 1. HLT 2. LAB 3. JHA ,        
                  referral sheet 27
 3-16-99        H Bill scheduled to be heard by HLT on Thursday,
                  03-18-99 at 8:30 - 11:30 A.M. in House conference
                  room 329.
 3-18-99        H The committee on HLT recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 3-18-99        H The votes in HLT were as follows:6 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Santiago, Kahikina, Kawakami, Lee, Stegmaier, Leong;        
                  Ayes with reservations: Rep.(s) ; 1 Noes: Rep.(s)
                  McDermott; and 2 Excused: Rep.(s) Yamane, Arakaki
 3-22-99        H Reported from the committee on HLT (Stand. Com. Rep.        
                  No. 1201) as amended in (HD 1), recommending passage        
                  on Second Reading and referral to the committee on
 3-22-99        H Passed Second Reading as amended in (HD 1) and
                  referred to the committee on LAB with
                  Representative(s) McDermott, Rath voting no and
                  Representative(s) Cachola, Chang, Menor, Okamura,
                  Saiki, Yamane excused.
 3-23-99        H Bill scheduled to be heard by LAB on Thursday,
                  03-25-99 at 9:00 A.M. in House conference room 309.
 3-25-99        H The committee on LAB recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 3-25-99        H The votes in LAB were as follows:3 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Yoshinaga, Hiraki, Takai; Ayes with reservations:
                  Rep.(s) Catalani, Goodenow, Hamakawa, Nakasone,
                  Moses; none Noes: Rep.(s) ; and 2 Excused: Rep.(s)
                  Okamura, Rath
 3-25-99        H Reported from the committee on LAB (Stand. Com. Rep.        
                  No. 1415) as amended in (HD 2), recommending
                  referral to the committee on JHA
 3-25-99        H Report adopted; Referred to the committee on JHA, as        
                  amended HD2 with Representative(s) McDermott, Meyer,        
                  Rath voting no and Representative(s) Takamine
 1-19-00        S Carried over to 2000 Regular Session.