HB 2437


By Representative(s) SAY (BR)

Companion Bill: SB 2778

Subjects: Governor

Report Title: Land Use; Clarification

Description: Clarifies the purposes of state land use districts, and clarifies uses, including open area recreation, allowed in the state agricultural districts. Allows more uses in state rural districts, and enables clustering in rural districts.

 1-26-00        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 1-27-00        H Referred to the committees on WLU/AGR, and then
                  referred to the committee on FIN, referral sheet 7
 2-10-00        H Bill scheduled to be heard by WLU/AGR on Wednesday,
                  02-16-00 at 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in House
                  conference room 325.
 2-16-00        H This measure has been deleted from 02-16-00 hearing         