HB 2186


By Representative(s) AHU ISA; Garcia, Hiraki, Saiki

Report Title: Genetic Testing

Description: Provides for the genetic testing of certain criminal offenders as a condition of probation and parole. Establishes the violent offender identification fund and the sex offender identification fund. Appropriates funds.

 1-25-00        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 1-26-00        H Referred to the committees on PSM/JHA, and then
                  referred to the committee on FIN, referral sheet 6
 2-10-00        H Bill scheduled to be heard by PSM/JHA on Monday,
                  02/14/00 at 2:00 P.M. in House conference room
 2-14-00        H The committees on PSM/JHA recommend that the
                  measure be HELD.
 2-14-00        H The votes in PSM were as follows:4 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Garcia, Kaho`ohalahala, Chang, Pendleton; Ayes with         
                  reservations: Rep.(s) ; none Noes: Rep.(s) ; and
                  none Excused: Rep.(s) ; and
 2-14-00        H The votes in JHA were as follows:10 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Hamakawa, Saiki, Chang, Garcia, Kaho`ohalahala, Lee,        
                  Morita, Auwae, Pendleton, Thielen; Ayes with
                  reservations: Rep.(s) ; none Noes: Rep.(s) ; and 5
                  Excused: Rep.(s) Cachola, Hiraki, Takumi, Yoshinaga,        