APRIL 24, 2000

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 313        Dated April 3, 2000, transmitting the                     FILE
            Commission on Persons With Disabilities
            Annual Report, 1998-1999. 

 314        Dated April 3, 2000, transmitting the Annual              FILE
            Report of the Environmental Council,
            "Environmental Report Card, 1999, An
            Assessment of Hawaii's Environmental Health."

 315        Dated April 5, 2000, transmitting the 2000                FILE
            Report on Hawaii Workforce Development,
            prepared by the Department of Labor and
            Industrial Relations, Hawaii Workforce
            Development Council. 

 316        Informing the Senate that on April 19, 2000,              FILE
            the Governor signed the following bills into
            law:  SB2465; SB2527; SB2635; SB2814; SB2877
            (Acts 021 - 025.)

DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION NO.                                   REFERRALS

  31        From the State Auditor dated April 3, 2000,               FILE
            transmitting a report, "Financial Audit of
            the Employees' Retirement System of the State
            of Hawaii, (Report No. 00-10)."

APRIL 24, 2000
Page 2

HOUSE COMMUNICATION NOS.                                         REFERRALS

            Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2000,
            the House has made changes to the following
            House Bills:

  683       H.B. 1172, H.D. 2, S.D. 1                                 FILE
            (Recording Fees.)

            Discharged Representative Takamine as
            second Co-Chair.
            Discharged Representatives Kanoho, Kawakami,
            and Moses as members.
            Added Representative Kanoho as second Co-Chair.
            Added Representatives Schatz and Meyer as

  683       H.B. 2901, H.D. 2, S.D. 2                                 FILE
            "RELATING TO THE NEW ECONOMY" (New Economy.)

            Added Representatives Luke and Marumoto as