FEBRUARY 17, 2000

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 177        Dated February 9, 2000, transmitting the                  FILE
            report, "A Study on the Design for Phase III
            of QUEST," pursuant to Act 116, Section 66.2,
            SLH 1998. (Rpt. Phase III, Quest.)

 178        Dated February 17, 2000, transmitting the                 FILE
            1999 Annual Report on Home Property Liens,
            prepared by the Department of Human Services
            pursuant to Section 346-29.5, HRS. (Rpt. DHS;
            Home Property Liens.)

 179        Informing the Senate that on February 16,                 FILE
            2000, the Governor signed the following bill
            into law:  SB1345 (Act 002.)