FEBRUARY 14, 2000

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 172        Dated February 1, 2000, transmitting the                  FILE
            Department of Public Safety, Correctional
            Indutries' Annual Report for Fiscal Year
            1999, pursuant to Act 170, SLH 1995. (Rpt.
            DPS; Correctional Indust.)

 173        Dated February 1, 2000, transmitting the                  FILE
            Hawaii Paroling Authority's Annual Report for
            Fiscal Year 1999. (Rpt. HI Paroling

 174        Dated February 4, 2000, transmitting a report             FILE
            prepared by the Department of Health pursuant
            to H.C.R. No. 190 (1999), urging the
            Department of Health to extend its services
            of the neuropsychology department until
            appropriate and adequate alternatives are
            found. (Rpt. DOH; Neuropsychology Dept.)

 175        Dated February 7, 2000, transmitting the                  FILE
            Department of Human Services, Child Welfare
            Services Citizen Review Panel Annual Report
            for FFY 1999. (Rpt. DHS; Child Welfare Svs.)

 176        Dated February 7, 2000, transmitting the 1999             FILE
            Annual Report prepared by the non-government
            members of the Marine and Coastal Zone
            Management Advisory Group (MACZMAG), pursuant
            to Section 205A-3.5, HRS, and Act 104,
            Section 3, SLH 1995. (Rpt. Marine Coastal
            Zone Mgt.)

DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION NOS.                                  REFERRALS

  22        From the State Auditor dated February 4,                  FILE
            2000, transmitting a report, "Allocation to
            New Century Schools Project," (Report No

FEBRUARY 14, 2000
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  23        From the Department of Business, Economic                 FILE
            Development and Tourism dated February 7,
            2000, transmitting the Quarterly Statistical
            and Economic Report, December 1999.

  24        From the State Auditor dated February 8,                  FILE
            2000, transmitting a report, "Management and
            Financial Audit of the Department of Public
            Safety," (Report No. 00-05).

  25        From the State Auditor dated February 9,                  FILE
            2000, transmitting a report, "Follow-Up
            Management Audit of the Child Support
            Enforcement Agency," (Report No. 00-06).

MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATION NO.                                  REFERRALS

  11        From the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation                FILE
            Dated January 31, 2000, transmitting a report
            pursuant to Act 338, SLH 1997, relating to
            the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the
            Elderly (PACE).