Click on a bill number to list all drafts of the bill and bill status

HB No.

SB No.



HB 2630

SB 2669

Making an Appropriation for the Office of Elections

Makes an unspecified appropriation for the Office of Elections to hire and compensate necessary staff.

HB 2631

SB 2666

Relating to Elections

Requires that election day officials in the counties center, control center, and delivering and collecting ballots shall not all be of the same party.

HB 2632

SB 2671

Making an Appropriation for the Office of Elections

Makes an unspecified appropriation for the office of elections for the purposes of voter education.

HB 2633

SB 2668

Relating to Voter Registration

Simplifies the HRS by referring to the national voting rights act and other applicable federal law.

HB 2634

SB 2667

Relating to No Candidates Filed for an Elective Office

Allows for the candidate filing deadline to be extended if there are no candidates filed for office at the close of candidate filing.

HB 2635

SB 2670

Relating to Elections

Allows for the voting position to either proceed or follow the candidate’s name on the ballot, depending on the requirements of the voting system.