Click on a bill number to list all drafts of the bill and bill status

HB No.

SB No.



HB 2661

SB 2614

Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles

Changes preestablished fee of $1 or $2 per car registration, to allow unlimited, fees to be set by ordinance and collected by each county finance director for the cost of highway beautification and disposition of derelict as well as abandoned cars.

HB 2662

SB 2615

Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles

Increases from $2 to $5 for each certificate of registration of non-u-drive vehicle, for highway beautification and to defray costs of disposing of abandoned vehicles.

HB 2663

SB 2616

Relating to Preference to Offerors on County Public Works Contracts

Authorizes the counties to give preference to county taxpayers on county public works contracts.

HB 2664

SB 2617

Relating to the Civil Service Law

Requires DHRD to certify up to five additional eligibles for police recruits where there is more than one vacant position to be filled.

HB 2665

SB 2618

Relating to Capital Improvement Projects for the Benefit of the County of Kauai

Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the County of Kauai.

HB 2666

SB 2619

Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation bonds and Making an Appropriation for Capital Improvement Projects for the Benefit of the County of Kauai

Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds and making an appropriation for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the County of Kauai.

HB 2667


Relating to Limited Liability for Counties

Limits counties’ liability for hazardous recreational activities including animal riding, hiking, off-road motorcycling, hang gliding, rodeo, sport parachuting, among other activities, except when death or injury occurred as a direct result of county’s failure to warn when the county had actual knowledge of physically hazardous conditions, or physically hazardous condition not known or would not have been known to reasonably prudent person, or for gross negligence, recklessness, or willful, wanton, deliberate conduct.

HB 2668


Relating to Public Land

Declares that the government is not liable for accidents and injuries occurring on unimproved public land.

HB 2669


Relating to Motor Vehicles

Assigns fees collected from traffic infraction fines to the counties in which the infractions are committed and the state agency which maintains traffic enforcement and safety programs.

HB 2670


Relating to Transient Accommodations Tax

Reduces the amount of transient accommodations revenue distributed to the Hawaii Tourism Authority from 37.9% to 6%. Increases amount distributed to counties from 44.8% to 76.7%.

HB 2671


Relating to Exempting the Counties from General Excise Tax

Exempts the county governments and amounts received from the county governments from the general excise tax.

HB 2672


Relating to Subpoenas

Requires the State to reimburse the counties for overtime compensation for police officers compelled to attend court hearings by a subpoena.

HB 2673


Relating to Public Service Company Tax

Allows the counties to collect a part of the public service company tax in exchange for not assessing the real property tax on utility companies.