GOVERNOR’S PACKAGE – LNR (Department of Land and Natural Resources)

Click on a bill number to list all drafts of the bill and bill status

HB No.

SB No.



HB 2567

SB 2908

Relating to Blue Lights

Allows DLNR to use blue lights o approved law enforcement vehicles.

HB 2568

SB 2909

Relating to State Parks

Replaces the Aina Hoomalu Special Fund with the State Parks Special Fund to carry out program objectives.

HB 2569

SB 2910

Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund

Converts the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund from temporary to permanent to ensure continued support and funding for commercial fisheries programs and activities.

HB 2570

SB 2911

Relating to the Boating Special Fund

Clarifies that the assessment from the Boating Special Fund due to the General Fund for central services expenses will be limit to 5% of revenues net of debt service.

HB 2571

SB 2912

Relating to State Boating Facilities

Clarifies that leases issued for small boat harbors and other boating facility properties my include uses other than maritime related activities. Allows limited commercial vessel activities within Ala Wai and Keehi small boat harbors.

HB 2572

SB 2913

Relating to Kaneohe Bay

Gives the Department more flexibility in implementing Kaneohe Bay Master Plan recommendations to achieve navigation safety, promote resource protection, and meet changing needs and conditions.

HB 2573

SB 2914

Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division

Allows for deposit moneys collected from lessees of public lands within industrial parks into the Special Land and Development Fund. Abolishes the Industrial Park Special Fund and transfers the fund balance and liabilities to the Special Land and Development Fund.

HB 2574

SB 2915

Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund

Allows for the deposit moneys generated by the disposition of mineral and water rights into the Special Land and Development Fund.

HB 2575

SB 2916

Relating to Disposition of Water Rights.

Allows for the disposition of water rights by direct negotiation, in addition to public auction. Authorizes the Board to extend month-to-month water permits for additional one-year periods.

HB 2576

SB 2917

Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund

Establishes a water resource management fund within DLNR.

HB 2577

SB 2918

Relating to Hunting Licenses

Increases resident and nonresident hunting license fees. Requires applicants for license to disclose if they are prohibited from using firearms for hunting. Allows DLNR to establish hunting license application and issuance procedures and set fees through administrative rules.

HB 2578

SB 2919

Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund

Authorizes the one-time transfer of $500,000 from the Fund, to the General Fund for 2000-2001.

HB 2579

SB 2920

Relating to Leasing of Small Boat Harbors

Authorizes the BLNR to lease by public auction or direct negotiation Ala Wai and Keehi small boat harbors for redevelopment, management, and operation by private firms. Provides for the orderly transition from state operation, management, and control to private management and operation. Provides job security for state employees presently assigned to those locations.

HB 2580

SB 2921

Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority

Allows the Authority to support, through grants and project funding, programs of DLNR which protects, preserve, and promote Hawaii's natural resources.

HCR 13

SCR 13

Authorizing the Lease of Submerged Lands at Duke Kahanamoku Beach at Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu, for Pier Purposes.