STATE OF HAWAII
                                 TWENTIETH STATE LEGISLATURE
                                    REGULAR SESSION, 2000

                                       April 26, 2000

                                          57TH DAY

                                      ORDER OF BUSINESS

Invocation - Representatives Lei Ahu Isa, Michael Puamamo Kahikina, Sol
             Kaho`ohalahala, Ezra Kanoho, Bertha C. Kawakami and Alexander Santiago

1.  Roll Call

2.  Reading of the Journal

3.  Messages from the Governor  

    Received message informing the House that Senate Bill No. 2941, proposing a
    constitutional amendment, was filed on April 24, 2000, with the Office of the
    Lieutenant Governor.

    Received message informing the House that the following Senate Bills were signed
    into law on April 20, 2000:

         S.B. No. 2088          Act 026      S.B. No. 2858, S.D.1   Act 032
         S.B. No. 2289, S.D.2   Act 027      S.B. No. 2942          Act 033
         S.B. No. 2542, S.D.1   Act 028      S.B. No. 2947          Act 034
         S.B. No. 2563, S.D.1   Act 029      S.B. No. 3117          Act 035
         S.B. No. 2742          Act 030      S.B. No. 3192, S.D.1   Act 036
         S.B. No. 2830          Act 031

    Received message informing the House that House Bill No. 2537, S.D.1, was signed
    into law on April 24, 2000, as Act 037.

4.  Senate Communications  


                                      ORDER OF THE DAY

5.  Unfinished Business
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 1             H.B. No. 2062, H.D. 2, S.D. 1, C.D. 1
                                       UH Carryover of Funds
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 2             H.B. No. 2514, S.D. 2, C.D. 1
                                       Public Assistance - DHS Claims Against a
                                       Decendent's Estate
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________
6.  Reports of Standing Committees
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 1613-00      S.B. No. 2927, S.D. 1
                                       Request for Personal Record - Agency Response Time
                                       PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON THE CALENDAR
                                       FOR THIRD READING__________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 1614-00      S.C.R. No. 21
                                       Hawaii-grown Coffee on All Military Vessels
                                       FOR ADOPTION_______________________________________

7.  Reports of Conference Committees
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 4             H.B. No. 1947, H.D. 2, S.D. 2, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   Shark Finning
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 5             H.B. No. 2530, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   Air Pollution Control Public Notification
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________

    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 6             H.B. No. 2406, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   DOA State and Federal Cooperative Agreements
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 52            S.B. No. 2411, S.D. 1, H.D. 1, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   Kauai Coffee Company Inc. SPRBs
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 53            S.B. No. 2530, S.D. 1, H.D. 1, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   Hawaii Gold Cacao Tree Inc. SPRBs
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________

    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 54            S.B. No. 185, S.D. 2, H.D. 1, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   DOE Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________
    Conf. Comm. Rep. No. 55            S.B. No. 2837, S.D. 1, H.D. 2, C.D. 1
    (48-Hour Notice)                   Educational Accountability
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS FINAL READING_____________________

8.  Announcements


Received communication informing the House that the Senate has reconsidered action in
disagreeing to amendments proposed by the House, has moved to agree, and has passed
on final reading the following Senate Bills:

    S.B. No. 862,  S.D.2, H.D.1
    S.B. No. 1095, H.D.2

Received communication informing the House that the Senate has disagreed to the
amendments proposed by the House to the following Senate Concurrent Resolutions:

    S.C.R. No. 60,  S.D.1, H.D.1
    S.C.R. No. 74,  S.D.1, H.D.1
    S.C.R. No. 77,  H.D.1
    S.C.R. No. 123, H.D.1
    S.C.R. No. 143, H.D.1
    S.C.R. No. 173, S.D.1, H.D.1
    S.C.R. No. 179, S.D.1, H.D.1

Received communication informing the House that the Senate has disagreed to the
amendments proposed by the House, and has appointed Conferees to the following Senate
Concurrent Resolutions:

    S.C.R. No. 129, S.D.1, H.D.1     Senators Kanno and Taniguchi as Co-Chrs.
                                     Senator Slom as a member.
    S.C.R. No. 204, H.D.1            Senators Kanno and Taniguchi as Co-Chrs.
                                     Senator Slom as a member.
