January 20, 2000
Rep. Ed Case
Majority Leader
Telephone: 586-8475
Accelerating the momentum of Hawaii's economic turnaround will share center stage with efforts to reform public education governance in the House of Representatives during the 2000 Legislative Session, according to Rep. Ed Case (D - Manoa), House Majority Leader.
The goals of the 39-member House Democratic Majority were officially released today at a State Capitol news conference.
"Revitalizing and expanding our economy remains one of our top priorities because virtually every aspect of our lives, now and for the future, depends on it," Case said. He added that the Majority's emphasis will be on reducing costs for consumers and businesses, supporting primary industries, and diversifying Hawaii's economic base.
"Our efforts at modernizing state government to be more flexible, efficient and appropriately sized are also aimed at sustaining a healthy economy for the long term," said Case. Specific measures include civil service and collective bargaining reform, restructuring the public employee health fund, converting the Employees' Retirement System to a defined contribution approach, and reforming the regulatory environment.
Public education also remains atop the list and is widely accepted as the most basic and essential of government-provided services. "We currently assign over half of our total general fund budget to the public schools and the University of Hawaii -- that's how important the Legislature considers public education. We want to strengthen it, to provide the authority and the autonomy so that professional educators do their jobs, but ensure that they are accountable to the people," Case said.
In this regard, Case said the Democratic Majority supports and will advance the governance measures proposed by School Superintendent Paul LeMahieu.
Case said that while the economic and education issues would probably consume the lion's share of House legislative attention, other core issues will not be ignored.
"We have initiatives directed at improving the health, welfare and safety of our citizens, for we recognize that the general wellbeing of people is an important determinant of our overall health as a society," Case said. Other initiatives targeted for action include:
Case said the House Majority encourages and welcomes the public's vital input on all the issues.