Bills Enrolled to the Governor 
          2000 Regular Session                                              
          MEASURE             REPORT TITLE          
          HB   37  *+ Entertainment; Loan Program    
          HB  101  *+ ERS; Buyback Temp. Svc. 1942   
          HB  139  *+ Construction Industry          
          HB  284  *+ Education                      
          HB  286  *+ Speeding; Fines                
          HB  536  *  Early Childhood                
          HB  540  *+ Medical assistance             
          HB  645   + Filipino Veterans; Burial      
          HB  749  *+ Dietitians                     
          HB  750  *+ Symbols, Flowers, Colors       
          HB  755  *+ Public Lands                   
          HB 1387  *  Nurses                         
          HB 1457 = + Spilling Load Violations       
          HB 1491 =*+ Subpoenas                      
          HB 1632  *+ Kauai Sugar Industry           
          HB 1691  *  Taxation                       
          HB 1757  *  Highway Safety                 
          HB 1759  *+ Red Light/Speed Imaging        
          HB 1761     Motor Carrier                  
          HB 1762     Motor Carrier                  
          HB 1763  *+ Bicycles; Helmets              
          HB 1773  *+ Motor Carrier                  
          HB 1836 =   Health Care Decisions          
          HB 1873  *+ Education Budget               
          HB 1874  *+ Educational Accountability     
          HB 1881  *+ DUI; ADLR                      
          HB 1884  *  Net Metering Study             
          HB 1893  *+ Greenhouse Gases               
          HB 1900 =*+ Relating To The State Budget   
          HB 1902  *+ Dual Line Water Supply Systems 
          HB 1905  *+ School Rental Fees             
          HB 1906  *  Mental Health Services License 
          HB 1912  *+ Rental Vehicle                 
          HB 1925   + Elections; Campaigns           
          HB 1938  *+ UCC; Secured Transactions      
          HB 1939  *+ Kahoolawe Island Reserve Comm. 
          HB 1946  *+ Public Building Energy Retrofi 
          HB 1947  *+ Shark Finning; Prohibited      
          HB 1949  *+ Alien Aquatic Organisms        
          HB 1955  *+ Prison Population Management   
          HB 1956  *+ Small Business                 
          HB 1969  *+ Manufacturing Extension Progra 
          HB 1982     Unif Disclaimr Of Prop Interst 
          HB 1983  *+ Land Court Registration        
          HB 1984  *+ Campaign Spending              
          HB 1994  *+ Agricultural Research          
          HB 2005  *  Reverse Mortgages              
          HB 2017  *+ Collection Agencies            
          HB 2020     Repeal Of Obsolete Statutes    
          HB 2021     Repeal And Reenactment        
          HB 2022     Statute Revision               
          HB 2023  *+ Tax Credit; Agriculture        
          HB 2024  *+ Legislature; Leg. Agencies     
          HB 2060  *+ University Of Hawaii           
          HB 2062  *+ Higher Education               
          HB 2066  *+ UH                             
          HB 2092   + Education; Running Start       
          HB 2095   + BOE; Military Representative   
          HB 2098  *+ Criminal History Checks        
          HB 2123  *  Tip Credit                     
          HB 2129  *+ Pawn Brokers                   
          HB 2148     Motorcycles                    
          HB 2150  *  Legislature; Appropriations    
          HB 2151  *+ State Bonds                    
          HB 2158  *  Personal Injury Protection     
          HB 2160  *+ Traumatic Brain Injury Fund    
          HB 2183 =*+ SPRB                           
          HB 2213   + Arbitration; Binding           
          HB 2216     Insurance                      
          HB 2218  *+ Captives                       
          HB 2219  *  Insurance                      
          HB 2220     Captive Insurance             
          HB 2222  *+ Condominium Law; Review        
          HB 2262  *+ Korean Centennial              
          HB 2273  *+ Child Abuse                    
          HB 2277  *+ Tobacco Settlement             
          HB 2278  *+ Social workers                 
          HB 2280  *+ School-To-Work                 
          HB 2289     Workers' Comp; PT Assistant    
          HB 2309  *+ Kiholo Bay Area Land Exchange 
          HB 2314  *+ HHRF                           
          HB 2349  *  Additional Civil Liability     
          HB 2354  *+ Korean War Commemoration       
          HB 2392  *+ Diabetes Outpatient Coverage   
          HB 2403 =   Aquaculture                    
          HB 2405 =*+ Pesticides                     
          HB 2406 =*+ Agriculture                    
          HB 2407 =*+ Agriculture Appropriation      
          HB 2409 =*+ Information Processing         
          HB 2410 =*+ State Claims Appropriations    
          HB 2418 = + State Identifications          
          HB 2423 = + Tabacco Products Report        
          HB 2429 =*+ Rent Supplement Program        
          HB 2432 =*+ Housing Tax Credit             
          HB 2443 =*  High Technology; HTDC          
          HB 2446 = + Employees' Retirement System   
          HB 2457 =   Veterans Loans                 
          HB 2458 = + Employees' Retirement System   
          HB 2463 =*  Registered Nurses              
          HB 2464 =*  Duties Of The Board Of Nursing 
          HB 2468 =*+ PUC Consumer Complaints        
          HB 2469 =*+ Issuance Of Subpoenas          
          HB 2471 =*+ Haw. Insur. Guar. Assoc.       
          HB 2472 =*+ Insurance                      
          HB 2474 =*  Insurance                      
          HB 2475 =*  Relating To Insurance          
          HB 2476 =*+ Insurance                      
          HB 2479 =*  Lemon Law Refund               
          HB 2480 =*+ Limited Liability Partnerships 
          HB 2481 =*+ Uniform Securities Act         
          HB 2482 =*  Control Share Acquisitions     
          HB 2483 =*+ Business Registration          
          HB 2484 = + Model Business Corporation Act 
          HB 2485 =*+ Psychology Licensure Exemption 
          HB 2486 =*  Chiropractic Licensing         
          HB 2487 =*  HHRF                           
          HB 2488 =*  Prescription Drugs             
          HB 2490 =*+ Credential Extensions          
          HB 2491 =*+ School Lunch                   
          HB 2492 =*+ Education; Funds Carryover/Tra 
          HB 2495 =*  Performance Standards          
          HB 2501 =*+ Hawaiian Homes Commission      
          HB 2504 =   HHCA; Employment Contracts     
          HB 2505 =   Loan And Mortgage Programs     
          HB 2506 =*+ Prospective Adoptive Parents   
          HB 2507 =   Permanent Plan Hearing         
          HB 2510 =   Foster Board Allowances        
          HB 2511 =*  Human Services                 
          HB 2512 =   Financial Assistance Payments  
          HB 2513 =*+ Unclaimed Corpses              
          HB 2514 = + Public Assistance              
          HB 2519 =*  Flexible Spending Accounts     
          HB 2521 = + School Health                  
          HB 2524 =   Sale Of Prophylactics          
          HB 2525 =*  Prescription Drugs             
          HB 2526 =*  Used Oil                       
          HB 2528 =*  Drinking Water                 
          HB 2530 =*+ Air pollution control          
          HB 2534 =*+ Critical Access Hospitals      
          HB 2537 = + Adult Mental Health, Appro.    
          HB 2539 =*+ Environmental Response Fund    
          HB 2551 =*  Health                         
          HB 2554 =*  Worker's Compensation          
          HB 2555 =*  Special Compensation Fund      
          HB 2556 =*+ Safety Inspections             
          HB 2559 =*+ Workforce Development Council  
          HB 2563 =   State Fire Council             
          HB 2568 =*  State Parks Special Fund       
          HB 2569 =*  Commercial Fisheries Special   
          HB 2570 =*  Boating Special Fund           
          HB 2572 =*+ Kaneohe Bay                    
          HB 2573 =*+ Land Division Special Fund     
          HB 2574 =*+ Land And Development Fund      
          HB 2576 =*+ Water Resource Management Fund 
          HB 2584 =   Fuel Tax                       
          HB 2585 =*+ Uniform Elec. Transaction Act  
          HB 2615 =   Hazardous Materials            
          HB 2624 =*+ Seed Distribution Fund         
          HB 2643 =*+ Abandoned Motor Vehicles       
          HB 2646 =*  Probate                        
          HB 2648 =*+ Probation Service Fee          
          HB 2649 =*+ Common Law Liens               
          HB 2650 =*+ Judiciary; Appropriation       
          HB 2653 =*+ Judiciary                     
          HB 2701  *+ Solar Power; Schools           
          HB 2760  *+ College Savings Program        
          HB 2761  *  Special License Plates         
          HB 2762     Island Burial Councils         
          HB 2774   + Discriminatory Practices       
          HB 2793  *+ Agribusiness Development       
          HB 2797  *+ Insurance                      
          HB 2801  *+ Swine                          
          HB 2802   + Food Processing Facility       
          HB 2820  *+ SPRBs; Private Schools        
          HB 2835  *+ Watershed Protection           
          HB 2846  *  Condominiums; Lease Rents      
          HB 2895  *  Environmental Impact           
          HB 2901  *+ New Economy                    
          HB 2906  *+ Towing Companies               
          HB 2983  *  Captive Insurance              
          HB 2996  *  Agricultural Loans             
          HB 2997     Aquaculture Loans              
          HB 3001  *+ Noncommercial Piers            
          HB 3014  *+ Revenue Bonds                 
          HB 3016  *+ Medical Assistance             
          HB 3018   + Child Abuse                    
          HB 3021  *+ Gasoline Additive              
          SB  185  *+ Education                     
          SB  278  *+ Research Corp. of UH           
          SB  539 =*+ UH Autonomy                   
          SB  568  *+ Historic Preservation         
          SB  680  *+ Fireworks                      
          SB  862  *+ Medical Use Of Marijuana       
          SB  873  *+ Real Property Appraisals       
          SB  887 =   Circuit Court Judges           
          SB  914 =   Vote Count; Elections          
          SB  915 =*+ Candidate Vacancies            
          SB 1095 =*  Hunting; handguns              
          SB 1276 =*+ Superintendent of Education    
          SB 1345  *+ Judiciary; Salaries            
          SB 2001   + Tort Liability                 
          SB 2005     Public Lands; Banyan Drive     
          SB 2021  *+ Affordable Housing             
          SB 2024  *  Cancer Statistics              
          SB 2056  *+ Tax Credits                    
          SB 2061 =*+ Pay Equity                     
          SB 2062 =*+ Long-Term Care                 
          SB 2074 =*+ Female Parity In Corrections   
          SB 2088     Management of State Funds      
          SB 2108  *+ Ceded Land Inventory           
          SB 2112   + Benchmarking Project; Appro.   
          SB 2115  *+ False Claims Act               
          SB 2121  *+ Repeal of Obsolete Statutes    
          SB 2134  *+ Animal Quarantine; User Fees   
          SB 2151  *+ Firearms; Seizure of firearms 
          SB 2152  *+ Probation; Parole              
          SB 2154  *+ Dom. Abuse; Protect. Or.       
          SB 2160  *+ General Excise Tax             
          SB 2186  *+ Insurance                      
          SB 2205   + Private Foundations            
          SB 2218  *+ New Century Charter Schools    
          SB 2221  *+ Income Tax Credit, Ethanol     
          SB 2254  *+ Health Care Information        
          SB 2283  *+ PUC; Alternative Dispute Reso  
          SB 2289   + Tax; Pre-Pd Ph Calling Svc     
          SB 2293  *  Insurance                      
          SB 2301  *+ Maritime lands                 
          SB 2303  *+ Cruise ships                   
          SB 2311  *+ Seat Belts Use                 
          SB 2312  *+ Hoisting Machine Rev. Fund     
          SB 2333   + Condominiums                   
          SB 2369  *+ ERS; Class A                   
          SB 2409  *+ Taxation                       
          SB 2411  *+ SPERB; Coffee Processing Plant 
          SB 2419  *+ Capital Access                 
          SB 2420  *+ Technology Scholarship Program 
          SB 2426   + Crime Victim Comp.             
          SB 2427  *+ Crime Victims. $               
          SB 2432  *+ Sentencing Simulation Model   
          SB 2433  *+ Prison operation               
          SB 2438     Post-Judgment Interest         
          SB 2448  *+ Autism Center                  
          SB 2465   + Pornography; On-Line Access    
          SB 2467  *+ Contractors; Unlicensed        
          SB 2470   + Vocational Education           
          SB 2475  *+ Gender Equity in Sports        
          SB 2477   + OHA Trustee Election Recall    
          SB 2480  *+ Legal Notice for Divorce       
          SB 2486  *+ Cigarette Stamp Tax            
          SB 2490  *+ Long-Term Residential Care     
          SB 2499   + Legislative Agencies           
          SB 2513  *+ Watershed Management Projects  
          SB 2521  *+ Professional Service Contracts 
          SB 2527   + Condos; Proxies                
          SB 2530  *+ SPRB; Hawaii Gold Cacao Tree   
          SB 2533  *+ Crime Victim Comp              
          SB 2535  *  Probate, Letters               
          SB 2536  *+ Uniform Principal & Income Act 
          SB 2542   + State Bonds; Security Intrsts  
          SB 2545  *  Glass Recovery                 
          SB 2563   + Insurance; 3rd Party           
          SB 2574  *+ UH                             
          SB 2576  *+ State Owned Public Housing     
          SB 2579  *+ Special Needs Housing Fund     
          SB 2607  *+ Comm. on Status of Women       
          SB 2621  *+ Firework Injuries              
          SB 2635 =   Highway                        
          SB 2655  *+ Patients' Bill of Rights       
          SB 2667 =*  Elective Office                
          SB 2670 =*  Elections                      
          SB 2692 =*+ Judiciary Salaries             
          SB 2706  *+ Taxation; Aircraft Leases      
          SB 2711  *+ Administrative Rules; Repeal   
          SB 2716  *+ GET; Taxes Due                 
          SB 2722  *+ Hawaiian Language Immersion    
          SB 2729  *+ Insurance; Service Contracts   
          SB 2731  *+ Insurance                     
          SB 2736  *+ Kikala-Keokea                  
          SB 2741 =*  Water Code                     
          SB 2742 =   Pork                           
          SB 2745 =*+ Aquaculture                    
          SB 2758 =*+ Child Support Enforcement      
          SB 2766 =*+ Condominium Property Regimes   
          SB 2779 =*+ Enterprise Zones               
          SB 2781 =*+ Taxation                       
          SB 2785 =*+ Unclaimed Property             
          SB 2791 =*  Emerg Approp Health Insurance  
          SB 2808 =*  Consumer Advocacy              
          SB 2814 = + Insurance                      
          SB 2819 =*+ Insurance; Illustrations       
          SB 2830 =   School Principals/Vice Princ.  
          SB 2837 =*+ Educational Accountability     
          SB 2838 =*+ State Internet Portal          
          SB 2843 =*  Hawaiian Homes Commission Act  
          SB 2849 =*  Review Hearings               
          SB 2850 =*+ Kinship care                   
          SB 2858 = + Emerg. App. Medical Assistance 
          SB 2859 =*+ Civil Service Reform           
          SB 2863 =*+ Advance health-care directives 
          SB 2869 =*  Drinking Water                 
          SB 2870 =*+ Safe Drinking Water            
          SB 2872 =*+ Emergency Appropriation; HHSC  
          SB 2873 =*+ HHSC                           
          SB 2877 = + Child & Adolescent Hlth        
          SB 2879 =*+ Auto tire surcharge            
          SB 2885 =   Sanitation                     
          SB 2905 =*  Employment security            
          SB 2906 =   Garment Industry Homework      
          SB 2924 =*+ Open Meetings                  
          SB 2927 = + Uniform Information Practices 
          SB 2930 =*+ Controlled Substances          
          SB 2938 =*+ Conformity to IRC              
          SB 2939 = + Integrated Tax Info. System    
          SB 2941 =   Const. Amend.; Tax Review Comm 
          SB 2942 =   General Fund Ceiling           
          SB 2945 =*+ Taxation                      
          SB 2946 =*+ Taxation Appeals               
          SB 2947 =   Disclosure of Tax Information  
          SB 2961 =*+ Claims Against UH              
          SB 2982  *+ Child Support Liens            
          SB 2987  *+ Public Contracts               
          SB 2988  *+ Contracts and Procurement      
          SB 3026  *+ School Repair & Maintenance    
          SB 3038  *+ Zero Tolerance; Education      
          SB 3043  *+ Captive Insurance Co.          
          SB 3045  *+ Auditor                        
          SB 3073  *+ Impaired Driving              
          SB 3079  *  Criminal Trespass; Schools     
          SB 3117     Motor Vehicle Repair Dealers   
          SB 3123  *+ Welfare-to-Work; Bridge-to-Hop 
          SB 3129  *  Hawaiian Healing               
          SB 3133  *+ Prostitution                   
          SB 3160  *+ Condominium Apartments; Sale   
          SB 3179  *  Tobacco                        
          SB 3190  *+ Captive Insurance              
          SB 3192   + Captive Insurance              
          SB 3199  *+ Quarantine                     
          SB 3201  *+ Highway Design                  

               * indicates that text of original bill was changed by House action.      
               + indicates that text of original bill was changed by Senate action.     
              = sign indicates that the original bill is identical to another bill.