THE TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE
                       REGULAR SESSION OF 2000

                    Rep. Eric G. Hamakawa, Chair
                   Rep. Scott K. Saiki, Vice Chair


                DATE:     Tuesday, April 4, 2000
                TIME:     2:00 P.M.
                PLACE:    Conference Room 325, State Capitol

                             A G E N D A

       The following bills will be reconsidered by the Committee:
SB 915 SD1       RELATING TO CANDIDATE VACANCIES                             JHA
(SSCR 859)       Requires replacement candidates to fill out an application for
              nomination and take an oath.
              (Originally heard on 02/01/00)

SB 2635 SD1      RELATING TO HIGHWAYS                                   TRN, JHA
(HSCR 880-00)    Lowers highway vending from misdemeanor to petty misdemeanor
              and extends definition of crime to include the risk of creating
              a hazardous condition or public nuisance.
              (Originally heard on 03/31/00)

SB 3038 SD1 HD1  RELATING TO EDUCATION                                  EDN, JHA
(HSCR 1007-00)   Amends zero tolerance policy by allowing suspension of a
              student who attends school or a department-supervised
              activities, whether on or off school premises, after consuming
              intoxicating liquor. (SB3038 HD1)
              (Originally heard on 03/31/00)

       The following bill were deferred for decision making only.
SB 3045 SD1HD1   RELATING TO THE AUDITOR                                LMG, JHA
(HSCR 992-00)    Authorizes the auditor to refuse disclosure of documents
              collected and developed in the course of the auditor's
              investigations under a working papers privilege.  Limits the
              scope of waiver of the privilege only to documents that are
              disclosed.  (SD1)
              (Originally heard on 03/31/00)

SB 2982 SD1      RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT                                   JHA
(SSCR 2634)      Amends the law relating to child support liens to clarify that
              the lien arising from a child support order or judgment takes
              priority over subsequent liens only when the child support
              debtor was actually delinquent in payment at the time of the
              subsequent lien. (SD1)
              (Originally heard on 03/17/00)

                      NO TESTIMONY WILL BE ACCEPTED
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to
participate in the public hearing process of the state house (i.e., sign
language interpreter, wheelchair accessibility, or parking designated for the

disabled), please contact the Committee Clerk 24 hours prior to the hearing so
arrangements can be made.

                               Rep. Eric G. Hamakawa