FLOOR AMENDMENT NO. 16                   DATE: March 9, 1999     

TO:  S.B. 654

     Senate Bill No. 654 is amended as follows:

     1.  By designating sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 as "Part I".

     2.  By adding a new Part II consisting of sections 5, 6, and
7 to read as follows:

                            "PART II
     SECTION 5.  The Hawaii state legislature has demonstrated
its commitment to the principle of public access to the
legislative process by creating programs such as the public
access room, legislative broadcast project, and the legislative
website.  Hawaii is considered to be one of the country's models
in the development of public access programs, as evidenced by
complimentary commentaries in the national and local media.
     To maintain its commitment to public access, the legislature
believes that the current level of service to the public from the
public access room should be maintained.  Public requests for
services of the public access room have increased dramatically
since its beginning in 1990.  In fiscal year 1997-1998 alone, the
public access room received over five thousand eight hundred
calls for legislative and other information, serviced about four
thousand people who visited the public access room or made
requests for service in person, and conducted public access
workshops for over two hundred fifty residents.  To meet this
increased demand, additional space, equipment, and furniture are
needed to accommodate citizens' needs for legislative access and
related services.  The legislature finds that the current space
allotted for the public access room is insufficient to meet the
rise in demand for its services and, at the same time, maintain
its high quality.
     The purpose of this part is to make an appropriation to
provide for the costs of relocating the public access room, and
for electronic equipment and furniture purchases.
     SECTION 6.  There is appropriated out of the general
revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $       , or so much
thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 1999-2000, to provide
for moving and equipment costs for the public access room.
     SECTION 7.  The sum appropriated by this part shall be
expended by the legislative reference bureau for the purposes of
this part."

     3.  By adding a new Part III consisting of sections 8 and 9
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to read as follows:

                            "PART III
     SECTION 8.  In recognition that the legislature needs its
own separate fiscal policy office to provide legislators with the
information needed to develop sound economic and fiscal policies
for the State, the office of the legislative analyst was
established in Act 347, Session Laws of Hawaii 1990.
     Other states have established nonpartisan, highly
specialized legislative fiscal analysis offices, in addition to
the professional staffs of each chamber's money committees, to
review executive branch proposals and to appraise the performance
of the executive branch in administering legislative enactments.
     Since the legislature meets for only four months of the
year, it has come to rely heavily on the use of session-only
staff or employees on loan from the executive branch.  Hawaii is
the only state in the nation utilizing staff on temporary loan
from executive agencies to support the work of its money
     As a result, the legislature has been at a disadvantage in
fulfilling its trust to the people of the State to ensure that
approved appropriations are executed in compliance with
legislative policy.  The legislature can provide effective
legislative oversight only if it has its own capacity to review
and analyze the budget, state economic conditions, and overall
tax structure and attendant policies.
     The purpose of this part is to require the legislative
analyst to review all performance-based budgets submitted to the
legislature as provided by law.
     SECTION 9.  Section 21F-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
     "(a)  The purpose of the office of the legislative analyst
shall be:
     (1)  To provide the legislature with research and analysis
          of current and projected state revenues and
     (2)  To provide the legislature with a report analyzing the
          governor's proposed levels of revenue and expenditures
          for biennial budgets submitted under chapter 37 as well
          as other supplemental budget submittals to the
          legislature by the governor;
     (3)  To provide an analysis of the impact of the governor's
          proposed revenue and expenditure plans for the next
     (4)  To conduct research matters of economic and fiscal
          policy and to report to the legislature on the result
          of the research;
     (5)  To provide economic reports and studies on the state of
          the State's economy, including trends and forecasts for
          consideration by the legislature;
     (6)  To conduct budget and tax studies and provide general
          fiscal and budgetary information;
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     (7)  To review and make recommendations on the operation of
          state programs in order to appraise the implementation
          of state laws regarding the expenditure of funds and to
          recommend means of improving their efficiency; [and]
     (8)  To recommend to the legislature changes in the mix of
          revenue sources for programs, in the percentage of
          state expenditures devoted to major programs, and in
          the role of the legislature in overseeing state
          government expenditures and revenue projections[.]; and
     (9)  To review all performance-based budgets submitted to
          the legislature as provided by law.""

     4.  By adding a new part IV consisting of sections 10, 11,
12, and 13 to read as follows:

                            "PART IV
     SECTION 10.  Section 23G-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended by amending subsection (11) to read as follows:
   "(11)  Perform the function of statute revision and
          publication and sale of session laws, supplements, and
          replacement volumes; and"
     SECTION 11.  Section 23G-18, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended to read as follows:
     "§23G-18  Sale and distribution.  The session laws,
supplements, and replacement volumes shall be sold and
distributed by the [lieutenant governor] legislature at a price
fixed by the [lieutenant governor.] legislature. The money
received therefor shall be paid into the state treasury to the
credit of the [general] Hawaii legislative publications special
fund.  The [lieutenant governor] legislature may furnish the
session laws, supplements, and replacement volumes to public
officials for official use free of charge.  As used in this
chapter, public officials include officials of the state and
county governments, of the congressional delegation of the State,
of the United States District Court, District of Hawaii, and of
the United States Attorney's Office in Hawaii."
     SECTION 12.  Section 26-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
     "(a)  Except as otherwise provided by law, the lieutenant
governor is designated the secretary of state for
intergovernmental relations and shall perform the duties and
functions heretofore exercised by the secretary of Hawaii.  The
duties and functions shall include, but not be limited to,
[recordation of all legislative and gubernatorial acts,]
certification of state documents, and maintenance of an official
file of rules adopted by state departments as provided in chapter
91.  The lieutenant governor may employ staff as necessary
without regard to chapters 76 and 77."
     SECTION 13.  Section 93-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended to read as follows:
     "§93-15  Legislative journals; sale and distribution.  The
journals of the senate and house of representatives, published in
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accordance with the rules of each house of the legislature, shall
be sold and distributed to the public by the [lieutenant
governor] legislature at a price fixed by the [lieutenant
governor.] legislature.  The money received therefor shall be
paid into the state treasury to the credit of the [general]
Hawaii legislative publications special fund.  The [lieutenant
governor] legislature may furnish the journals of the senate and
house of representatives to public officials free of charge.  As
used in this section, public officials include officials of the
state and county governments, of the congressional delegation of
the State, of the United States District Court, District of
Hawaii, and of the United States Attorney's Office in Hawaii."

     5.  By redesignating sections 5 and 6 as sections 14 and 15,
respectively, and by designating these sections as Part V.

     6.  By amending new section 15 to read as follows:

     "SECTION 15.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 1999."

Offered by:_____________________       (    ) Carried

                                       (    ) Failed to Carry

                                       (    ) Withdrawn