FLOOR AMENDMENT NO. 18                   DATE: March 9, 1999     

TO:  S.B. No. 1231, S.D. 2

     SECTION 1.  Senate Bill No. 1231, S.D. 2, is amended as

     1.  By amending page 3, lines 5-7 to read:

     "signs.]  Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed areas of
private workplaces and state-owned or state-controlled workplaces
including state-owned or leased vehicles, except that an employer
may make provisions for employees to smoke in a designated area
of the workplace as long as the nonsmoking employees are not
directly impacted.  For employees subject to collective
bargaining, any provision to allow smoking in a designated area
of the workplace shall be a negotiable item."

     2.  By deleting subsection (c) on page 3, lines 17-19.

Offered by:_____________________       (    ) Carried

                                       (    ) Failed to Carry

                                       (    ) Withdrawn