Honolulu, Hawaii
                                                     , 2000

                                   RE:  GOV. MSG. NO. 229

Honorable Norman Mizuguchi
President of the Senate
Twentieth State Legislature
Regular Session of 2000
State of Hawaii


     Your Committee on Health and Human Services, to which was
referred Governor's Message No. 229, submitting for study and
consideration the nomination of:


     G.M. No. 229       SUSAN K. FORBES, DrPH., for a term to
                        expire June 30, 2001;

                        MELODY S. FANNING, for a term to expire
                        June 30, 2003; and

                        CRAIG KADOOKA, M.D., NOELLA J. KONG,
                        ROSEMARY NELSON, and PATRICK S. SAKA, for
                        terms to expire June 30, 2004,

begs leave to report as follows:

     Upon review of the background information submitted by the
nominees, your Committee finds that the nominees are qualified to
serve in the positions to which they are nominated.  Your
Committee further finds that the nominees are being appointed
based on their professional credentials, integrity, and a desire
for public service, and that they possess skills, abilities, and
experiences that are assets.

     Susan K. Forbes, DrPH., is President of the Hawaii Health
Information Corporation, which is engaged in collecting,
analyzing, and disseminating statewide health information to
support high quality and cost-effective health care services in

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                                   STAND. COM. REP. NO. 3503
                                   Page 2

Hawaii.  She has held executive positions with the Kapiolani
Health Care System.  She is a member of the Healthcare
Information Management Systems Society and works with the State
Office of Information Practices, State Health Planning and
Development Agency, Patient Rights Task Force, and Agency for
Health Policy and Research.

     Melody S. Fanning is the Windward Area Manager of Kaiser
Permanente.  She is currently a Board Member of the Hawaii
Society for Public Health Education, of which she is also its
past President.  

     Craig Kadooka, M.D., is being reappointed.  He is a
physician in his own private practice in Hilo.  He is the East
Hawaii representative to the Hawaii Medical Association and co-
founder of the East Hawaii Independent Physician Association and
the Family Practice Residency Clinic.  He is currently on the
Life Care Center Advisory Board.  He has been on the Board of the
American Diabetes Association.

     Noella J. Kong is being reappointed.  She is an
Administrator of Human Services at Alu Like, Inc.  She has worked
for Straub Clinic & Hospital, Inc., Hawaii Medical Service
Association, and State Farm Insurance Company.  She is presently
with the Pihana Na Mamo Advisory Council (Department of
Education), Aloha United Way Allocation Panel, and Hui `Imi Task

     Rosemary Nelson is a lieutenant colonel in the Army Nurse
Corps. and is Chief Information Officer and Program Manager of
the Pacific Regional Program Office at Tripler Army Medical
Center.  She has participated in numerous Army organizations,
committees, and projects concerning health care delivery.  She is
also widely published in Healthcare Information Management and
other health care journals.  She is currently the Vice Chair
elect of the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society.

     Patrick S. Saka is the General Manager and Publisher of the
Maui Publishing Company, Ltd., dba The Maui News.  He is involved
in numerous community activities, including Board Member of
Kiwanis Club of Maui, Executive Board of Maui County Council of
Boy Scouts of America, Board Member of Ka Lima O Maui, and Board
Member of Hospice Maui.

     Testimony in support of each nominee was received from the
State Health Planning and Development Agency.

     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your
Committee on Health and Human Services that is attached to this

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                                   STAND. COM. REP. NO. 3503
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report, your Committee, after full consideration of the
background, character, experience, and qualifications of the
nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the
positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate
advise and consent to the nominations.

                                   Respectfully submitted on
                                   behalf of the members of the
                                   Committee on Health and Human

                                   SUZANNE CHUN OAKLAND, Chair

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