Early childhood

Provides a means for early childhood screening when a child
reaches the age of three.  (HB260 CD1)

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                H.B. NO.           H.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 1999                                S.D. 1
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that recent neuroscience
 2 research demonstrates that a child's early years are most crucial
 3 in a child's cognitive, emotional, social, and physical
 4 development, and affirms that there are tremendous opportunities
 5 for preventive work with children and families as well as the
 6 predictable, costly consequences of not doing so.  The
 7 legislature further finds that quality early childhood education
 8 and child care which supports all aspects of early development by
 9 parents and care givers in a variety of settings, including child
10 care centers, family child care, and in the homes of families and
11 friends, is crucial to ensuring that every young child has a good
12 beginning and does not lose the potential with which the child
13 was born.
14      In 1998, the legislature adopted House Concurrent Resolution
15 No. 38 which endorsed six desired child outcomes as state policy,
16 and encouraged private and public agencies serving children to
17 use these outcomes as a basis for policy and program development.
18 This common set of outcomes focuses action and accountability
19 toward achieving positive results by improving the quality of
20 life for children and youth, and establishing indicators to

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 1 measure progress in achieving these outcomes.  These six child
 2 outcomes are:
 3      (1)  Every child will thrive physically--to be healthy from
 4           birth with ongoing access to good health care, and have
 5           a safe home, school, and community environment;
 6      (2)  Every child will form positive relationships--to have
 7           the attention of at least one caring adult and
 8           supportive friendship with peers;
 9      (3)  Every child will be prepared for and succeed in
10           school--to have developmentally nurturing care and
11           early education opportunities, meet age-appropriate
12           knowledge and competencies, and graduate from high
13           school;
14      (4)  Every child will be culturally aware and appreciative
15           of diversity;
16      (5)  Every child and youth will choose responsible
17           behaviors--to exhibit respect for oneself, others of
18           every age, and society by refraining from drug use and
19           from sexual and illegal activity; and
20      (6)  Every youth will develop marketable skills enabling a
21           successful transition into adulthood.
22      The legislature finds that as public and private agencies
23 address the third outcome, many facets of the early childhood

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 1 system are affected.  These fall into the areas of health,
 2 education, and social services that overlap to support the family
 3 and the child.
 4      The legislature further finds that for every $1 invested in
 5 early childhood education and care and early intervention
 6 services for children from birth to five years of age it is
 7 estimated that $7 in later remediation and special education
 8 services may be saved.
 9      The legislature further finds that early screening,
10 identification, and intervention for developmental delays and
11 psychosocial problems improve children's outcomes, and have a
12 critical influence on school success and family functioning.  The
13 state departments of health, education, and human services
14 currently provide community health services and education for
15 screening and assessment.  However, parents are unaware of or
16 choose not to partake in these services.  Meanwhile, their
17 children do not receive proper screening, evaluation, and if
18 indicated, referrals and treatment.
19      The purpose of this Act is to provide a means for early
20 childhood screening when a child reaches the age of three.
21      SECTION 2.  Chapter 321, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended
22 by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to
23 read as follows:

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 1      "§321-     Early childhood screenings.  (a)  Within ninety
 2 days prior to and ninety days following the third anniversary of
 3 a birth, the parents or guardians of a child may have their child
 4 screened for psychological and physiological development.
 5 Screening and certification of screening may be provided by:
 6      (1)  The department of health;
 7      (2)  The department of education;
 8      (3)  The department of human services;
 9      (4)  The child's pediatrician; or
10      (5)  Any primary health care provider.
11      (b)  As part of the screening and certification process
12 authorized by subsection (a), the department, physician, or
13 provider may:
14      (1)  Provide information and referrals to programs and
15           services to help remediate any developmental problems
16           as revealed by the screening;
17      (2)  Inform all parents and guardians of their
18           responsibilities with respect to ensuring that their
19           children's psychological and physiological development
20           is progressing satisfactorily;
21      (3)  Provide assistance and advice to parents and guardians
22           in meeting those responsibilities;
23      (4)  Provide additional screenings or referrals as deemed
24           necessary; and

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 1      (5)  Use a standardized screening instrument and referral
 2           protocol as jointly developed by the departments of
 3           health, education, and human services, and the American
 4           Academy of Pediatrics."
 5      SECTION 3.  (a)  The departments of health, education, and
 6 human services, in conjunction with the American Academy of
 7 Pediatrics, shall plan and develop:
 8      (1)  Standardized screening for the psychological and
 9           physiological development of a child of three years of
10           age, which includes but is not limited to:
11           (A)  Cognitive development;
12           (B)  Language development;
13           (C)  Motor development; and
14           (D)  Behavioral or social-emotional development;
15           and
16      (2)  A referral protocol.
17      (b)  The standardized screening and referral protocol shall
18 be developed by June 30, 2000.
19      SECTION 4.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed.
20 New statutory material is underscored.
21      SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2000.