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  SECTION 65.  Provided that of the special funds appropriation
for airports administration (TRN 195), the sum of $3,500,000 for
fiscal biennium 1999-2001 shall be used for airports division
capital improvements program staff costs, statewide; provided
further that the airports division shall prepare a project-funded
staff services budget report detailing each permanent position by
number, position title, and compensation (including fringe
benefits), in accordance with section 92F-12(a)(14), Hawaii
Revised Statutes; provided further that the report shall include
the details for non-permanent capital improvements program
related positions; provided further that the report shall include
the actual expenditures for each permanent and non-permanent
capital improvements program related position for the first five
months of the fiscal year; and provided further that the airports
division shall submit the budget report to the legislature no
later than thirty days prior to the convening of the 2000 and
2001 regular sessions.
  SECTION 66.  Provided that of the special funds appropriation
for harbors administration (TRN 395), the sum of $1,500,000 for
fiscal biennium 1999-2001 shall be used for harbors division
capital improvements program staff costs, statewide; provided
further that the harbors division shall prepare a project-funded
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staff services budget report detailing each permanent position by
number, position title, and compensation (including fringe
benefits), in accordance with section 92F-12(a)(14), Hawaii
Revised Statutes; provided further that the report shall include
the details for non-permanent capital improvements program
related positions; provided further that the report shall include
the actual expenditures for each permanent and non-permanent
capital improvements program related position for the first five
months of the fiscal year; and provided further that the harbors
division shall submit the budget report to the legislature no
later than thirty days prior to the convening of the 2000 and
2001 regular sessions.
  SECTION 67.  Provided that of the special funds, revenue bond
funds and other federal funds appropriations for highways
administration (TRN 595), the sum of $37,100,000 for fiscal
biennium 1999-2001 shall be used for highways division capital
improvements program staff costs, statewide; provided further
that the highways division shall prepare a project-funded staff
services budget report detailing each permanent position by
number, position title, and compensation (including fringe
benefits), in accordance with section 92F-12(a)(14), Hawaii
Revised Statutes; provided further that the report shall include
the details for non-permanent capital improvements program
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related positions; provided further that the report shall include
the actual expenditures for each permanent and non-permanent
capital improvements program related position for the first five
months of the fiscal year; and provided further that the highways
division shall submit the budget report to the legislature no
later than thirty days prior to the convening of the 2000 and
2001 regular sessions.
  SECTION 68.  Provided that of the special funds appropriation
for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the sum of $500,000 for
fiscal biennium 1999-2001 shall be used for department of
education capital improvements program staff costs, statewide;
provided further that the department of education shall prepare a
project-funded staff services budget report detailing each
permanent position by number, position title, and compensation
(including fringe benefits), in accordance with section 92F-
12(a)(14), Hawaii Revised Statutes; provided further that the
report shall include the details for non-permanent capital
improvements program related positions; provided further that the
report shall include the actual expenditures for each permanent
and non-permanent capital improvements program related position
for the first five months of the fiscal year; and provided
further that the department of education shall submit the budget
report to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the
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convening of the 2000 and 2001 regular sessions.
  SECTION 69.  After the objectives of appropriations made in
this Act for capital investment purposes from the state
educational facilities improvement special fund have been met,
any unrequired balances shall be transferred to the special
funded project adjustment fund for state educational facilities
appropriated in part II and described further in part IV, and
shall be considered a supplementary appropriation thereto.
  SECTION 70.  In the event that currently authorized
appropriations specified for capital investment purposes listed
in this Act or in any other Act currently authorized by the
legislature are insufficient, and where the source of funding for
the project is designated as the state educational facilities
improvement special fund, the governor may make supplemental
allotments from the special funded project adjustment fund for
state educational facilities appropriated in part II and
described further in part IV; provided that such supplemental
allotments from the special funded project adjustment fund for
state educational facilities shall not be used to increase the
scope of the project, and may only be made to supplement
currently authorized capital investment project cost elements.
  SECTION 71.  Provided that any amount appropriated for any
capital improvement program project authorized in part II and
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listed in formal education, part G of part IV of this Act and
funded from the state educational facilities improvement special
fund and is excess of the amount required to complete the
project, such excess funds may be expended with the approval of
the governor for any or all of the following projects and
   (1)  Roosevelt High School, Oahu
       Plans, design, and construction for the renovation of
       building A, phase I; ground and site improvements;
       equipment and appurtenances.
   (2)  Waipahu High School, Oahu
       Design, construction, and equipment for an eight
       classroom building; ground and site improvements;
       equipment and appurtenances.
   (3)  Waianae High School, Oahu
       Design, construction, and equipment for an eight
       classroom building; ground and site improvements;
       equipment and appurtenances.
   (4)  Leilehua High School, Oahu
       Design, construction, and equipment for an eight
       classroom building; ground and site improvements;
       equipment and appurtenances.
   (5)  Kealakehe Intermediate School, Hawaii
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       Construction and equipment for administration/library
       and renovation of temporary facilities into classrooms;
       ground and site improvements; equipment and
   SECTION 72.  Provided that of the special fund appropriation
for performing and visual arts events (AGS 881), the sum of
$150,000 for fiscal year 1999-2000 shall be used for a study to
evaluate alternative locations for the development of a state art
gallery; provided further that this study shall consider
locations within the capitol district, the Hawaii convention
center, the university of Hawaii, the Honolulu academy of arts,
and other private facilities; and provided further that the
finding of the study shall be submitted to the legislature no
later than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2000 regular
   SECTION 73.  Provided that of the general obligation bond
fund appropriation for land and natural resources - natural
physical environment (LNR 906), the sum of $3,120,000 for fiscal
biennium 1999-2001 shall be used for the department of land and
natural resources capital improvements program staff costs,
statewide; provided further that the department of land and
natural resources shall prepare a project-funded staff services
budget report detailing each permanent position by number,
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position title, and compensation (including fringe benefits), in
accordance with section 92F-12(a)(14), Hawaii Revised Statutes;
provided further that the report shall include the details for
non-permanent capital improvements program related positions;
provided further that the report shall include the actual
expenditures for each permanent and non-permanent capital
improvements program related position for the first five months
of the fiscal year; and provided further that the department of
land and natural resources shall submit the budget report to the
legislature no later than thirty days prior to the convening of
the 2000 and 2001 regular sessions.
   SECTION 74.  Provided that of the general obligation bond
fund appropriation for Hawaii community development authority
project funded staff costs (BED 104), the sum of $2,827,000 for
fiscal biennium 1999-2001 shall be used for Hawaii community
development authority capital improvements program staff costs,
statewide; provided further that the Hawaii community development
authority shall prepare a project-funded staff services budget
report detailing each permanent position by number, position
title, and compensation (including fringe benefits), in
accordance with section 92F-12(a)(14), Hawaii Revised Statutes;
provided further that the report shall include the details for
non-permanent capital improvements program related positions;
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provided further that the report shall include the actual
expenditures for each permanent and non-permanent capital
improvements program related position for the first five months
of the fiscal year; and provided further that the Hawaii
community development authority shall submit the budget report to
the legislature no later than thirty days prior to the convening
of the 2000 and 2001 regular sessions.
   SECTION 75.  Provided that of the general obligation bond
fund appropriation for construction (AGS 221), the sum of
$12,544,000 for fiscal biennium 2000-2001 shall be used for
department of accounting and general services capital
improvements program staff costs, statewide; provided further
that the department of accounting and general services shall
prepare a project-funded staff services budget report detailing
each permanent position by number, position title, and
compensation (including fringe benefits), in accordance with
section 92F-12(a)(14), Hawaii Revised Statutes; provided further
that the report shall include the details for all non-permanent
capital improvements program related positions; provided further
that the report shall include the actual expenditures for each
permanent and non-permanent capital improvements program related
position for the first five months of the fiscal year; and
provided further that the department of accounting and general
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services shall submit the budget report to the legislature no
later than thirty days prior to the convening of the 2000 and
2001 regular sessions.
   SECTION 76.  Provided that of the general obligation bond
fund appropriation for the city and county of Honolulu (SUB 201),
the sum of $4,000,000 for fiscal biennium 1999-2001 shall be used
for construction and equipment for the Manoa community
recreational facility; and provided further that no funds shall
be expended unless matched on a 1:2 (county:state) basis with
funds from the city and county of Honolulu and/or other sources.
   SECTION 77.  Act 328, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, section
140A, as amended by Act 116, Session Laws of Hawaii 1998, section
5, is amended to read as follows:
   (1)  By amending Item A-9A to read:
               PLANS                                   10
               LAND                                    10
               DESIGN                                  90
               CONSTRUCTION                     [900] 890
                 TOTAL FUNDING    AGR        C      1,000 C"
   (2)  By amending Item A-9C to read:
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           KULA, MAUI.
               DESIGN                              [1] 10
               CONSTRUCTION                       [49] 40
                 TOTAL FUNDING    AGR        C         50 C"
   (3)  By amending Item C-171B to read:
"171B.        HIGHWAY 130 AND [137]132, TRAFFIC SIGNALS, HAWAII
               DESIGN                                  50
               CONSTRUCTION                           200
                 TOTAL FUNDING    TRN        E        250 E"
   (4)  By amending Item G-74 to read:
               DESIGN                    174
               CONSTRUCTION                  [3,057]3,094
               EQUIPMENT                 100
                 TOTAL FUNDING    AGS    274 C      3,057 C
                                                       37 R"
   (5)  By amending Item G-86 to read:
               DESIGN                     20
               CONSTRUCTION              155
               EQUIPMENT                 100
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                 TOTAL FUNDING    AGS    275 C            C"
   (6)  By amending Item G-97 to read:
               PLANS                      50
               LAND                        2
               DESIGN                    600
               CONSTRUCTION                    [5999] 3299
               EQUIPMENT                                 1
                 TOTAL FUNDING    AGS    652 C [6000] 3300 C"
   (7)  By amending Item K-1 to read:
               DESIGN                      1             1
                 TOTAL FUNDING GOV [AGS]   1 C           1 C"
   SECTION 78.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 296, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1991, section 165, as amended and renumbered by
Act 300, Session Laws of Hawaii 1992, section 5, in the amount
indicated or balance thereof, is hereby amended to read as
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-37                                 $      63,427 [D] E"
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   SECTION 79.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 316, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1989, section 222, as amended by Act 299, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1990, section 6, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, are hereby amended to read as follows:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-41                                  $  3,620,258 [D] E
   C-60                                        29,724 [C] E
   C-60                                       179,375 [D] E"
   SECTION 80.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 216, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1987, section 280, as amended by Act 390, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1988, section 6, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, are hereby amended to read as follows:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-43                                  $    150,911 [D] E
   C-47                                     1,422,737 [D] E
   C-73                                       126,093 [D] E"
   SECTION 81.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 300, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1985, section 222, as amended by Act 345, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1986, section 6, in the amounts indicated or
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balances thereof, are hereby amended to read as follows:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-32                                  $    976,276 [D] E
   C-33                                       513,186 [D] E
   C-34                                        10,183 [D] E"
   SECTION 82.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 301, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1983, section 80, as amended by Act 285, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1984, section 7, in the amount indicated or
balance thereof, is hereby amended to read as follows:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-37                                  $  1,002,526 [D] E"
   SECTION 83.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 1, First
Special Session Laws of Hawaii 1981, section 92, as amended by
Act 264, Session Laws of Hawaii 1982, section 5, in the amount
indicated or balance thereof, is hereby amended to read as
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-40                                  $     57,039 [D] E"
   SECTION 84.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations under Act 328, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997,
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section 140A, as amended by Act 116, Session Laws of Hawaii 1998,
section 5, in the amounts indicated or balances thereof,
unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and unrequired, are hereby
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   A-1                                   $     100,000 C
   A-6                                         800,000 C
   C-6                                       5,000,000 B
   C-7                                         650,000 B
   C-11                                        120,000 B
   C-17                                     56,000,000 B
   C-19                                     10,465,000 B
   C-22                                     37,000,000 B
   C-29                                        670,000 B
   C-32                                      1,262,000 B
   C-37                                        120,000 B
   C-74                                        300,000 B
   C-80A                                     3,500,000 B
   C-81                                        500,000 B
   C-82                                      8,000,000 B
   D-12                                        100,000 C
   G-21                                      1,000,000 B
   G-67                                         50,500 C
   G-82                                        120,000 C
   H-35C                                       900,000 B
   H-41                                        185,000 C
   K-10                                      1,938,097 C
   K-13                                        969,152 C
   K-21C                                     3,000,000 C
   K-26                                          4,000 C
   K-53                                        755,000 C
   K-54                                        330,000 C
   K-55                                        350,000 C
   K-56                                        410,000 C
   K-57                                        700,000 C
   K-58                                        250,000 C
   K-60                                        450,000 C"
   SECTION 85.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation under Act 218, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995, section
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99, as amended and renumbered by Act 287, Session Laws of Hawaii
1996, section 5, in the amount indicated or balance thereof,
unallotted, allotted, encumbered and unrequired, is hereby
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   A-6                                   $       7,452 C
   G-65                                        550,000 C"
   SECTION 86.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 289, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1993, section 127, as amended by Act 252, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1994, section 5, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-6                                   $   3,011,000 E
   C-6                                         500,000 N
   C-12                                        170,000 E
   C-12                                        100,000 N"
   SECTION 87.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
general obligation reimbursable bond fund appropriation under Act
7, Special Session of Hawaii 1993, section 23, in the amount of
$324,994, or balance thereof, unallotted, encumbered and
unrequired, is hereby lapsed.
   SECTION 88.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
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appropriations under Act 296, Session Laws of Hawaii 1991,
section 165, as amended by Act 300, Session Laws of Hawaii 1992,
section 5, in the amounts indicated or balances thereof,
unallotted, allotted, encumbered and unrequired, are hereby
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   A-14                                  $     804,000 C
   A-18                                        140,600 C"
   SECTION 89.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 296, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1991, section 165, as amended and renumbered by
Act 300, Session Laws of Hawaii 1992, section 5, in the amounts
indicated or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered
and unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-90                                  $     301,591 D
   H-17                                              1 C"
   SECTION 90.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 316, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1989, section 222, as amended by Act 299, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1990, section 6, and as amended by Act 287,
Session Laws of Hawaii 1996, section 6, in the amounts indicated
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or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-1                                   $     341,830 E
   C-2                                         561,026 E
   C-4                                         110,440 E
   C-7                                         691,332 E
   C-9                                         386,754 E
   C-12                                      3,124,512 E
   C-13                                        707,668 E
   C-20                                        104,798 E
   C-21                                        122,760 E
   C-23                                         45,397 E"
   SECTION 91.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 316, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1989, section 222, as amended by Act 299, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1990, section 6, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-16                                  $         622 B
   C-17                                      7,669,497 E
   C-17                                      1,000,000 N
   C-19                                      8,800,000 E
   C-41                                              1 D
   C-51                                        110,170 D
   C-53A                                         2,322 C
   C-60                                            120 C
   C-61                                        237,404 D
   C-64                                        268,093 D
   C-67                                            367 D
   H-6                                              27 C"
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   SECTION 92.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 216, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1987, section 280, as amended by Act 390, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1988, section 6, and as amended by Act 287,
Session Laws of Hawaii 1996, section 6, in the amounts indicated
or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-1                                   $     215,629 E
   C-2                                         102,603 B
   C-2                                         682,252 E
   C-3                                          21,665 E
   C-10                                        178,245 B
   C-10                                        522,966 E
   C-14                                        201,417 E
   C-14                                         19,798 B
   C-19                                            960 B
   C-19                                      2,461,312 E"
   SECTION 93.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 216, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1987, section 280, as amended by Act 390, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1988, section 6, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   A-17A                                 $       5,610 C
   A-31                                         10,834 C
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   A-35                                         66,289 C
   C-17                                         24,824 B
   C-41                                        101,504 D
   C-42                                        130,271 D
   C-44                                          8,900 D
   C-45                                          1,353 D
   C-47                                         21,541 D
   C-48                                            279 D
   C-54                                            688 D
   C-61                                         45,232 D
   C-62                                             51 D
   C-65                                        332,920 D
   C-72                                         18,190 D
   C-80                                         50,722 D
   C-82A                                         3,667 D
   C-84                                          1,582 D
   C-89                                         45,283 D
   H-40                                              5 C"
   SECTION 94.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 300, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1985, section 136, as amended by Act 345, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1986, section 6, and as amended by Act 287,
Session Laws of Hawaii 1996, section 6, in the amounts indicated
or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-1                                   $      25,882 B
   C-1                                         108,107 E
   C-2                                           7,357 B
   C-2                                         144,107 E
   C-3                                          64,293 B
   C-3                                             669 E
   C-8                                           1,125 E
   C-10                                         88,347 B
   C-10                                        376,732 E
   C-16                                        100,433 B
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   C-16                                        261,693 E"
   SECTION 95.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 300, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1985, section 136, as amended by Act 345, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1986, section 6, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   A-10                                  $     212,292 C
   A-18D                                            83 C
   C-13                                        220,110 E
   C-14                                         26,178 B
   C-31                                         24,861 D
   C-33                                         24,166 D
   C-40                                              1 D
   C-43                                         50,719 D
   C-44                                         96,128 D
   C-54A                                         9,527 D
   D-5                                          14,471 C
   H-41                                         41,099 C
   H-52                                          4,636 C
   H-53                                              1 C"
   SECTION 96.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 301, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1983, section 80, as amended by Act 285, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1984, section 7, and as amended by Act 287,
Session Laws of Hawaii 1996, section 6, in the amounts indicated
or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
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unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-2                                   $      54,128 B
   C-2                                          39,797 E
   C-3                                             872 B
   C-3                                         529,415 E
   C-4                                          62,551 E
   C-6                                          91,704 B
   C-12                                         14,943 B
   C-12                                        458,608 E
   C-15                                         65,000 B
   C-15                                        245,144 E
   C-18                                        132,747 E"
   SECTION 97.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 301, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1983, section 80, as amended by Act 285, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1984, section 7, in the amounts indicated or
balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   A-8A                                  $      35,197 C
   C-17                                         34,703 B
   C-35                                         49,305 D
   C-36                                        226,344 D
   C-37                                            284 D
   C-38                                         22,233 D
   C-47A                                        47,902 D
   H-18                                        100,034 C"
   SECTION 98.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 1, First
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Special Session Laws of Hawaii 1981, section 92, as amended by
Act 264, Session Laws of Hawaii 1982, section 5, and as amended
by Act 287, Session Laws of Hawaii 1996, section 6, in the
amounts indicated or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted,
encumbered, and unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-4                                   $       5,368 E
   C-5                                       1,098,928 B
   C-13                                         26,997 E
   C-17                                         11,511 E
   C-17                                            638 B
   C-19                                         14,921 E"
   SECTION 99.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 1, First
Special Session Laws of Hawaii 1981, section 92, as amended by
Act 264, Session Laws of Hawaii 1982, section 5, in the amounts
indicated or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered,
and unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-3                                   $         498 B
   C-3A                                        143,895 E
   C-16                                        512,303 E
   C-46B                                         5,769 D
   C-48                                         36,994 D
   C-49A                                             5 D
   C-50                                        140,259 D"
   SECTION 100.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
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federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 214, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1979, section 120, as amended by Act 300, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1980, section 7, in the amount indicated or
balance thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, is hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-20                                  $      92,860 E"
   SECTION 101.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 10, First
Special Session Laws of Hawaii 1977, section 86, as amended by
Act 243, Session Laws of Hawaii 1978, section 5, in the amounts
indicated or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered,
and unrequired, are hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-11                                  $      49,951 E
   C-14                                         15,914 B
   C-14                                            303 E"
   SECTION 102.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 195, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1975, section 88, as amended by Act 226, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1976, section 6, and as amended by Act 287,
Session Laws of Hawaii 1996, section 6, in the amounts indicated
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or balances thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, is hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-8                                   $      20,282 B
   C-8                                         104,159 E"
   SECTION 103.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriations which are denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 195, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1975, section 88, as amended by Act 226, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1976, in the amounts indicated or balances
thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and unrequired, are
hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   C-7                                   $     127,851 E
   C-9                                          53,860 B
   C-17                                         52,499 B"
   SECTION 104.  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
appropriation which is denoted as necessary to qualify for
federal aid financing and/or reimbursement under Act 68, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1971, section 4, as amended by Act 202, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1972, section 4, in the amount indicated or
balance thereof, unallotted, allotted, encumbered, and
unrequired, is hereby lapsed:
  "Item No.                                   Amount (MOF)
   H-1                                   $      33,766 B"