SB 368 SD 1


By Senator(s) TAM


Report Title: Medical Waste Facility; Siting

Description: Prohibits the director of health from issuing an air pollution control permit for a medical waste incinerator or a solid waste pollution permit for a medical waste sterilizer that is located within 500 feet of any residential dwelling. (SD1)

 1-22-99        S Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 1-25-99        S Referred to 1. HHS 2. LRE                                
 2- 8-99        S Bill scheduled to be heard by HHS on 02-12-99 at
                  3:00 p.m. in conference room 229
 2-12-99        S The measure is deferred until 02-19-99 at 1:00 p.m.         
                  in conference room 229.
 2-19-99        S The committee on HHS recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, UNAMENDED.
 2-19-99        S The votes in HHS were as follows: 4 Ayes: Senator(s)        
                  Chun Oakland, Fukunaga; Ayes with reservations:
                  Senator(s) Iwase, Levin; none Noes: Senator(s) ; and        
                  1 Excused: Senator(s) Anderson
 2-19-99        S Reported from HHS (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 521) with
                  recommendation of passage on Second Reading and
                  referral to LRE
 2-19-99        S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading and referred
                  to LRE.
 2-22-99        S Bill scheduled to be heard by LRE on 02-25-99 at
                  2:30 p.m. in conference room 225
 2-25-99        S The measure is deferred until 03-02-99 at 3:00 p.m.         
                  in conference room 225.
 3- 2-99        S The measure is deferred until 03-04-99 at 1:00 p.m.         
                  in conference room 225.
 3- 4-99        S The committee on LRE recommends that the measure be         
                  PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
 3- 4-99        S The votes in LRE were as follows: 5 Ayes: Senator(s)        
                  Nakata, M. Ige, Chun Oakland, Ihara, Kanno; Ayes
                  with reservations: Senator(s) ; 1 Noes: Senator(s)
                  Slom; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Chumbley, Fukunaga
 3- 5-99        S Reported from LRE (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 583) with
                  recommendation of passage on Third Reading, as
                  amended (SD 1)
 3- 5-99        S 48 hours notice 03-09-99                                 
 3- 9-99        S Report adopted; Passed Third Reading, as amended (SD        
                  1). Ayes, 22.  Noes, 1 (Slom).  Excused, 2 (Levin,
 3- 9-99        S Transmitted to House                                     
 3- 9-99        H Received from Senate (Sen. Com. No. 86)                  
 3-11-99        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 3-11-99        H Referred to the committees on 1. EEP 2. HLT 3. CPC ,        
                  referral sheet 26
 3-16-99        H Bill scheduled to be heard by EEP on Thursday,
                  03-18-99 at 8:30 A.M. in House conference room 312.
 3-18-99        H The committee on EEP recommends that the measure be         
 3-18-99        H The votes in EEP were as follows:5 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Morita, Garcia, Schatz, Takumi, Thielen; Ayes with
                  reservations: Rep.(s) Meyer; none Noes: Rep.(s) ;
                  and 2 Excused: Rep.(s) Cachola, Kanoho