HB 1696


By Representative(s) STEGMAIER / TAKAI / ABINSAY / CACHOLA / ARAKAKI / AHU ISA / FOX / PENDLETON / KAHIKINA / MEYER / LEONG / MCDERMOTT / WHALEN; Auwae, Goodenow, Halford, Luke, Marumoto, Morihara, Oshiro, M., Oshiro, P., Say, Souki

Report Title: Religious Freedom; Guarantees

Description: Enacts the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which provides that the State and counties cannot enact laws that substantially burden the exercise of religion in the absence of a compelling state interest and a showing that the law is the least restrictive one to accomplish that interest.

 1-28-99        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 2- 1-99        H Referred to the committees on 1. JHA 2. FIN ,
                  referral sheet 7