HB 1417


By Representative(s) CACHOLA / KANOHO

Report Title: Disasters; Immunity

Description: Grants immunity from civil liability to persons who voluntarily allow their property to be used by civil defense authorities as a shelter during natural disasters, as well as during hostile actions, in the event of the death of or injury to a person or damage to personal property.

 1-28-99        H Introduced and passed First Reading                      
 2- 1-99        H Referred to the committees on 1. PSM 2. JHA ,
                  referral sheet 7
 2- 3-99        H Bill scheduled to be heard by PSM on Monday,
                  02-08-99 at 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. in House conference
                  room 325.
 2- 8-99        H The committee on PSM recommends that the measure be         
 2- 8-99        H The votes in PSM were as follows:4 Ayes: Rep.(s)
                  Garcia, Kaho`ohalahala, Chang, Pendleton; Ayes with         
                  reservations: Rep.(s) ; none Noes: Rep.(s) ; and
                  none Excused: Rep.(s)