MARCH 11, 1999

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 231        Dated March 4, 1999, transmitting the Annual              FILE
            Report for Fiscal Year 1998 on Recommendation
            for Denial of Claims Filed Under the
            Legislative Relief Act, prepared by the
            Department of the Attorney General, pursuant
            to Section 37-77, HRS. (Rpt. AG; Leg. Relief

 232        Dated March 8, 1999, transmitting the Report              FILE
            on State Positions Assigned to Salary Ranges
            SC-1, SC-2, and SC-3, prepared by the
            Department of Human Resources Development
            pursuant to Section 77-13, HRS. (Rpt. DHS;
            Assigned Salary.)

DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION NOS.                                  REFERRALS

  25        From the Department of Commerce and Consumer              FILE
            Affairs, Insurance Division, dated March 2,
            1999, transmitting an errata to the Report of
            the Insurance Commissioner of Hawaii 1998
            Summary of Insurance Business for the Year