FEBRUARY 23, 1999

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 204        Dated February 12, 1999, transmitting the                 FILE
            1998 Report of the Commission to Promote
            Uniform Legislation, Department of the
            Attorney General. (Rpt. AG; Uniform

 205        Dated February 16, 1999, transmitting the                 FILE
            Foreign-Trade Zone No. 9 Annual Report to the
            Foreign-Trade Zones Board on General-Purpose
            Zone and Special-Purpose Subzone Activity in
            the State of Hawaii for Federal Fiscal Year
            1998 (October 1, 1997 - September 30, 1998).
            (Rpt. Foreign-Trade Zone.)

 206        Dated February 17, 1999, transmitting a                   FILE
            Status Report prepared by the Department of
            Human Services, Office of Youth Services,
            Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility, pursuant
            to Act 292, SLH 1998. (Rpt. DHS; Youth Svs

 207        Dated February 17, 1999, transmitting the                 FILE
            1998 Annual Report prepared by the Department
            of Labor and Industrial Relations, pursuant
            to Section 371-7, HRS. (Rpt. DLIR Annual

 208        Dated February 23, 1999, transmitting a                   FILE
            report prepared by the Department of
            Business, Economic Development and Tourism,
            Housing and Community Development Corporation
            of Hawaii, pursuant to Act 170, SLH 1998,
            relating to the conveyance tax. (Rpt. DBEDT/
            Housing Comm Devlp.)