JANUARY 27, 1999

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 129        Dated January 14, 1999, transmitting a report             FILE
            prepared by the Department of Agriculture in
            response to H.C.R. No. 202 (1998), requesting
            the chairperson of the Board of Agriculture
            to convene a series of meetings to assess and
            recommend solutions regarding land tenure and
            financing to assist Hawaii's agricultural

 130        Dated January 20, 1999, transmitting the                  FILE
            Department of Agriculture's Annual Report for
            Fiscal Year 1998.

MISCELLANEOUS MESSAGES NOS.                                      REFERRALS

   1        From the County of Kauai, Department of                   FILE
            Water, dated December 9, 1998, transmitting
            the "Proposed C.I.P. Projects, Request for
            State Aid, 1999 Legislative Session," and
            Resolution No. 2, 1999-2000 Legislative
            Budget, that was adopted by the Kauai Board of
            Water Supply on October 15, 1998.

   3        From the County of Maui Police Department                 FILE
            dated December 29, 1998, transmitting its
            1998 Incidents of Suspension and Discharge
            Annual Report, pursuant to Act 242, SLH

   4        From the City and County of Honolulu Police               FILE
            Department dated December 30, 1998,
            transmitting the 1998 Annual Report pursuant
            to Act 242, SLH 1995.

   5        From the Hawaii State Bar Association dated               FILE
            December 31, 1998, transmitting the Hawaii
            Tort Law Study Group Report, pursuant to
            S.C.R. No. 256 (1997).

JANUARY 27, 1999
Page 2

   6        From the County of Kauai Police Department                FILE
            dated January 4, 1999, transmitting the 1998
            Annual Report pursuant to Act 242, SLH

   7        From the Committee on Performance Budgeting               FILE
            dated January 5, 1999, transmitting a report
            on performance budgeting pursuant to Act 230,
            Section 5, SLH 1998.

   8        From the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation                FILE
            dated January 14, 1999, transmitting a report
            pursuant to H.C.R. No. 147 (1998), requesting
            the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation to
            determine and recommend to the legislature
            the necessary steps to enhance the
            corporation's ability to negotiate contracts
            that determine the reimbursement costs for
            medical services.

   9        From the Joint Legislative Committee on                   FILE
            Long-Term Care dated December 1, 1998,
            transmitting the joint legislative committee
            report pursuant to Act 339, SLH 1997.

  10        From the Joint Legislative Committee on                   FILE
            Long-Term Care Financing dated January 26,
            1999, transmitting the joint legislative
            committee report pursuant to H.C.R. No. 225
            (1998), requesting a study to assess
            strategies for organizing the various forms
            of residential care providers.