STATE OF HAWAII
                                 TWENTIETH STATE LEGISLATURE
                                    REGULAR SESSION, 1999

                                        March 5, 1999

                                          26TH DAY

                                      ORDER OF BUSINESS

Invocation - Representative Colleen Meyer

1.  Roll Call

2.  Reading of the Journal

3.  Messages from the Governor  

         Received communication number 190.

4.  Senate Communications  

         Received communication numbers 28 through 36 transmitting the
         following Senate Bills having passed Third Reading in the Senate:

         S.B. No. 40                             S.B. No. 1132
         S.B. No. 206                            S.B. No. 1262
         S.B. No. 480                            S.B. No. 1280
         S.B. No. 810                            S.B. No. 1478
         S.B. No. 1063

                                      ORDER OF THE DAY

5.  Unfinished Business
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 749          H.B. No. 180, H.D. 1
                                       DLNR Alien Species Coordinator
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 750          H.B. No. 1144, H.D. 1
                                       Emergency Medical Services Personnel Training
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 751          H.B. No. 1454, H.D. 2
                                       Judiciary Fees
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 752          H.B. No. 992, H.D. 1
                                       State Identification Cards
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 753          H.B. No. 1660, H.D. 2
                                       UH Community Colleges Utilities
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 754          H.B. No. 139, H.D. 1
                                       Procurement Code - "Local Resident"
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 755          H.B. No. 461, H.D. 1
                                       Advance Health Care Directives
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 756          H.B. No. 1061, H.D. 2
                                       Grants and Subsidies Recovery
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 757          H.B. No. 152, H.D. 2
                                       East-West Center Asia-Pacific Region Programs
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 758          H.B. No. 1274, H.D. 2
                                       Traumatic Brain Injury Statewide Strategic Plan
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 759          H.B. No. 532, H.D. 3
                                       Gender Equity in Sports
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 760          H.B. No. 988, H.D. 2
                                       Emergency Appropriation - Year 2000 Compliance
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 761          H.B. No. 1018, H.D. 2
                                       HCDCH Housing and Rental Assistance Qualifications
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 762          H.B. No. 895, H.D. 2
                                       Emergency Aeromedical Services
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 763          H.B. No. 1575, H.D. 2
                                       Millenium Young People's Congress
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 764          H.B. No. 1119, H.D. 1
                                       CPS Blueprint for Change
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 765          H.B. No. 1663, H.D. 2
                                       DOE Environmental Contamination
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 766          H.B. No. 1181, H.D. 1
                                       Aquatic Resources Penalty Provisions
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 767          H.B. No. 512, H.D. 2
                                       Permanent Hawaii Teacher Standards Board
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 768          H.B. No. 986, H.D. 2
                                       Procurement Code Provisions for Protests
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 769          H.B. No. 1017, H.D. 1
                                       Hula Mae Single Family Mortgage Purchase Program
                                       Revenue Bonds
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 770          H.B. No. 221, H.D. 2
                                       HTA Long-range Policy Plan
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 771          H.B. No. 274, H.D. 3
                                       CPS System Provisions
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 772          H.B. No. 307, H.D. 2
                                       College Savings Program
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 773          H.B. No. 1117, H.D. 3
                                       Federal Adoption and Safe Families Act Compliance
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 774          H.B. No. 163, H.D. 2
                                       Juror Fees
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 775          H.B. No. 1012, H.D. 1
                                       Clean Hawaii Fund
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 776          H.B. No. 550, H.D. 1
                                       Rental Housing Trust Fund G.O. Bonds
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 777          H.B. No. 1338, H.D. 1
                                       Public Contracts - Subcontractor Retainage
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 778          H.B. No. 842, H.D. 2
                                       Advance Disposal Fee Exemption - Small Glass
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 810          H.B. No. 1153, H.D. 1
                                       Retail Liquor Sales to Minors
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 811          H.B. No. 374, H.D. 2
                                       Agricultural Distribution/Consolidation Centers
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 812          H.B. No. 248, H.D. 1
                                       UH ATG Legal Representation
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 813          H.B. No. 1043, H.D. 1
                                       PEHF Administrator Civil Service Exempt
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 814          H.B. No. 1632, H.D. 3
                                       Papaya Industry Markets
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 815          H.B. No. 522, H.D. 3
                                       School-to-Work Opportunities Pilot Project
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 816          H.B. No. 1165, H.D. 2
                                       Occupational Safety and Health Training and
                                       Assistance Fund Provisions
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 817          H.B. No. 1035, H.D. 1
                                       ERS Chief Investment Officer, Assistant
                                       Administrator, ATG Legal Advisor
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 818          H.B. No. 1136, H.D. 2
                                       State Generic Drug Formulary
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 819          H.B. No. 460, H.D. 2
                                       Check Cashing
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 820          H.B. No. 1036, H.D. 2
                                       ERS Investments
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 821          H.B. No. 557, H.D. 2
                                       Tropical Flower Research and Programs Funding
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 822          H.B. No. 1064, H.D. 1
                                       HHRF Reimbursable G.O. Bonds
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 823          H.B. No. 1166, H.D. 1
                                       Employment and Training Fund Grants and Subsidies
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 824          H.B. No. 948, H.D. 2
                                       Agriculture Water Use and Development Plan Funding
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 825          H.B. No. 1042, H.D. 2
                                       PEHF Health Benefits Plan Contracting
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 826          H.B. No. 1380, H.D. 1
                                       DOA Agricultural Resource Management Division
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 827          H.B. No. 980, H.D. 2
                                       Irrigation District Boundaries - Cultivatable Lands
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 828          H.B. No. 98, H.D. 1
                                       Pensioners' Bonus
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 829          H.B. No. 1088, H.D. 2
                                       BOE Starting Age - Kindergarten and First Grade
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 830          H.B. No. 979, H.D. 2
                                       Agricultural Loans Provisions
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 831          H.B. No. 898, H.D. 2
                                       Upcountry Maui Agricultural Water System
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 832          H.B. No. 333, H.D. 2
                                       Agricultural Commodities R&D Funding
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 833          H.B. No. 547, H.D. 3
                                       Anatomical Gifts
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 834          H.B. No. 743, H.D. 3
                                       APRN Health Care Providers
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 835          H.B. No. 1006, H.D. 2
                                       Sentencing Simulation Model
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 836          H.B. No. 622, H.D. 2
                                       Mammograms Health Insurance Coverage
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 837          H.B. No. 1367, H.D. 2
                                       Child Abuse Prevention Services Funding
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 838          H.B. No. 1352, H.D. 1
                                       AGOR-26 Oceanographic Research Vessel
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS THIRD READING_____________________
6.  Reports of Standing Committees
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 886          H.B. No. 326, H.D. 1
                                       Health Insurance - Inborn Metabolic Diseases
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 887          H.B. No. 1121
                                       Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Food
                                       Stamp Assistance - Substance Abuse Felons
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 888          H.B. No. 1115, H.D. 2
                                       Foster Boarding Homes Provisions
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 889          H.B. No. 81
                                       UH Hilo Nanotechnology Center
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 890          H.B. No. 989, H.D. 1
                                       Claims Against the State
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 891          H.B. No. 133
                                       Small Business Defender and Support Personnel
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 892          H.B. No. 634, H.D. 1
                                       Puerto Rican Centennial Celebration Commission
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 893          H.B. No. 1180
                                       Imported Marine Life License - Northwestern
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 894          H.B. No. 1049, H.D. 1
                                       PEHF Employee Organizations Rate Credit or
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 895          H.B. No. 164
                                       Constitutional Amendment - State Legislative
                                       Eligibility Requirements
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 896          H.B. No. 440, H.D. 2
                                       Narcotics Enforcement Division - Prescription
                                       Information and Data Processing Systems Analyst
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 897          H.B. No. 148
                                       Office of the Legislative Analyst Funding
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 898          H.B. No. 1436, H.D. 1
                                       Office of the Legislative Analyst - Special and
                                       Revolving Funds Analysis
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 899          H.B. No. 533, H.D. 1
                                       Hawaii Rules of Evidence - Sex Offense Cases
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 900          H.B. No. 1430, H.D. 1
                                       HRS/SLH Statutory Revisions
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 901          H.B. No. 995, H.D. 1
                                       Attorneys' Fees - Sovereign Immunity of the State
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 902          H.B. No. 1003, H.D. 1
                                       Habitual Criminal Behavior Against Persons/Property
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 903          H.B. No. 648, H.D. 1
                                       Condominium Maintenance Fees - Collection from
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 904          H.B. No. 1623, H.D. 1
                                       Classes of Captive Insurance Companies
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 905          H.B. No. 1692, H.D. 1
                                       GET Rate - Travel Agents and Agencies Commissions
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 906          H.B. No. 647, H.D. 1
                                       Condominium Owner-occupants Delinquent Assessments
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 907          H.B. No. 411, H.D. 1
                                       Motor Vehicles Sale or Lease - 3-day Right of
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 908          H.B. No. 1276, H.D. 1
                                       Condominium Associations Funds Deposit and
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 909          H.B. No. 1411, H.D. 1
                                       Acupuncture Practitioners
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 910          H.B. No. 1072, H.D. 1
                                       Reverse Mortgage Loans
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 911          H.B. No. 107, H.D. 1
                                       Condominium Reserve Requirement Deadline Extension
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 912          H.B. No. 1267, H.D. 1
                                       Alternate Power of Sale Foreclosure Process
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 913          H.B. No. 1344, H.D. 1
                                       Attorneys' Fees - Condominium Arbitration Cases
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 914          H.B. No. 336, H.D. 1
                                       Microorganisms Import and Use
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 915          H.B. No. 945, H.D. 1
                                       Agricultural Parks - Commercial Activity
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 916          H.B. No. 1529, H.D. 1
                                       Robbery Offenses
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 917          H.B. No. 67, H.D. 1
                                       Tort System Reform
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 918          H.B. No. 1004, H.D. 1
                                       Homicide - Affirmative Defense
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 919          H.B. No. 1007
                                       Firearms Offenses
                                       PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON THE CALENDAR
                                       FOR THIRD READING__________________________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 920          H.B. No. 1471, H.D. 1
                                       Office of Elections Extension
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 921          H.B. No. 1501, H.D. 1
                                       Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 922          H.B. No. 664, H.D. 1
                                       Depository FSLC Required Reserves
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 923          H.B. No. 1296, H.D. 1
                                       Kaneohe Bay Master Plan Recommendations - DLNR
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 924          H.B. No. 658, H.D. 1
                                       Time Share Interests Purchasers - Public Reports
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________

    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 925          H.B. No. 1622, H.D. 1
                                       Beer Brewer Interest in Liquor Manufacturer's and
                                       Wholesaler's License
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 926          H.B. No. 185, H.D. 1
                                       Elementary Grades Maximum Class Sizes
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 927          H.B. No. 199, H.D. 1
                                       Old Kaimuki Public Library Conversion
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________


    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 928          H.B. No. 1683, H.D. 2
                                       UH Hilo High Technology Research Park
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 929          H.B. No. 1040, H.D. 1
                                       Emergency and Budget Reserve Fund
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 930          H.B. No. 1039, H.D. 1
                                       Constitutional Amendment - Emergency and Budget
                                       Reserve Fund
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 931          H.B. No. 1682, H.D. 1
                                       IRS Form 990 - Copy to DOTAX
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 932          H.B. No. 1055, H.D. 1
                                       County Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________
    Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 933          H.B. No. 1056, H.D. 1
                                       Rental Motor Vehicle Surcharge Tax
                                       AS AMENDED, PASS SECOND READING, PLACE ON
                                       THE CALENDAR FOR THIRD READING_____________________

7.  Third Reading
                                       H.B. No. 1081, H.D. 1
                                       Corporation Shareholder Proxy
                                       (See Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 779)
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________

                                       H.B. No. 1541, H.D. 1
                                       Pawnshop Transactions Computerization
                                       (See Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 780)
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
                                       H.B. No. 985, H.D. 1
                                       Procurement Code - HRS Provisions Compliance
                                       (See Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 781)
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
                                       H.B. No. 1197, H.D. 2
                                       IRC Conformity
                                       (See Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 782)
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________
                                       H.B. No. 854
                                       State Educational Facilities Improvement Special
                                       (See Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 866)
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________

                                       H.B. No. 19
                                       Liquor Licenses - Assault
                                       (See Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 867)
                                       PASS THIRD READING_________________________________

8.  Introduction of Resolutions 

9.  Announcements
         House will be in recess on Monday, March 8, 1999.

         House will convene at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 1999.
