THE TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE
                       REGULAR SESSION OF 1999

                     Rep. Romy M. Cachola, Chair
                   Rep. Ezra R. Kanoho, Vice Chair
    Rep. Nestor R. Garcia                Rep. Colleen Meyer
     Rep. Hermina Morita                  Rep. Brian Schatz
     Rep. Roy M. Takumi              Rep. Cynthia Henry Thielen

                      AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING

          DATE:  Tuesday 6 April 1999
          TIME:  9:00 a.m.
          PLACE: Conference Room 312, State Capitol

                     A M E N D E D   A G E N D A

The following item has been removed from the agenda:

SB 1063     RELATING TO AQUACULTURE.                                AGR,WLU
         Removes reference to the management of aquaculture programs
         from the statutory purview of the Department of Land and
         Natural Resources.

  Persons wishing to testify are requested to submit the required copies
of their testimony 24 HOURS prior to the hearing to:  (1)  The committee's
Vice Chair IN ROOM 432, State Capitol; or (2)  The House testimony drop-off
at the State Capitol basement turnaround.  Testimony may be sent by
facsimile to the House Sgt.-at-Arms Office at:  586-6501 (Oahu) OR 1-800-
535-3859 (neighbor islands).  
  The committee also requests that the copies be on one side of an 8-1/2"
X 11" sheet.  For further information, please call the House Water and Land
Use Committee Clerk at 586-6110.  
  Those requiring special assistance (i.e. sign language interpreter,
wheelchair accessibility) should contact the Committee on Water and Land
Use at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements for the
requested assistance.  

                                     Rep. Romy M. Cachola, Chair 
                                     Committee on Water and Land Use