REGULAR SESSION OF 1999

             Senator Carol Fukunaga, Co-Chair
              Senator Andrew Levin , Co-Chair

                     NOTICE OF HEARING

        DATE:  Wednesday, March 31, 1999

        TIME:  9:00 am

        PLACE: Conference Room 211
                 State Capitol
                 415 South Beretania Street

                        A G E N D A

HB1416   Relating to the Employees' Retirement   CPN/JDC, WAM
HD2 SD1  System
        Allows deputy sheriffs to retire without penalty after
        25 years of service.  Allows contributory class ERS
        members to convert to noncontributory class for
        reasons of hardship.  Makes members of the PUC LIRAB,
        and HLRB Class A members of the ERS. 

HB1041   Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund  CPN, WAM
HD2 SD1  Authorizes the board of trustees of the Public
        Employees Health fund to use reimbursements and rate
        credits to benefit identifiable employee-
        (Say b.r.)

HB499   Relating to the Employees' Retirement   CPN/WLH, WAM
HD2 SD1  System
        Allows conservation and resources law enforcement
        officers with at least 25 years of service to retire
        without penalty.  Provides retirement benefits for the
        Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
        (Chang, Kaho'ohalahala, Goodenow, et al.)

HB1029   Relating to Permit Processing              ECD, WAM
HD3 SD1  Changes the name of the "consolidated application
        process" to the "facilitated application process."
        Expands the membership of the permit process task
        force.  Limits the task force's focus to county

        building permit applications.  Establishes a sunset
        date for the task force of 6/30/2002.
        (Say b.r.)


HB645   Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits   TIA, WAM
SD1     Requires the office of veterans services (OVS), at the
        request of a deceased Filipino veteran's survivor or
        an interested party, to make payment directly to a
        mortuary or crematory for providing funeral and burial
        services; and for transporting the veteran's remains
        to the Philippines, upon submission of an invoice to
        the OVS reflecting services will be satisfactorily
        performed on behalf of the deceased WWII Filipino
        (Cachola, Garcia, Abinsay, Menor)

HB753   Relating to the Establishment of Special  TIA/ECD, WAM
HD2 SD1  Improvement Districts
        Allows counties to enact ordinances to create special
        improvement districts to provide and finance
        supplemental maintenance and security services and
        such other improvements, services, and facilities
        within those districts as the county council finds
        will promote business activity and make and finance
        (Chang, Rath, Whalen, et al.)

HB139   Relating to Federal Construction           TIA, WAM
HD1 SD1  Exempts gross proceeds received from state contractors
        and subcontractors from GE tax; clarifies definition
        of "contractor" in chapter 444, HRS; defines "state
        resident"' encourages use of and establishes criteria
        for project labor agreements.
        (Say, Goodenow, Case, et al.)

HB718   Relating to the Hawaii Community Development  WLH, WAM
HD1 SD1  Authority
        Excludes Piers 1 and 2 at Fort Armstrong from the
        Kakaako community development district.  appropriates
        funds for the construction of a passenger terminal at
        Pier 2 of Honolulu Harbor.

HB719   Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles       TIA, WAM
HD2 SD1  Increases from $1 to $3, the highway beautification
        fee collected from each motor vehicle registration;
        exempt U-drive motor vehicles from the fee increase.

HB377   Relating to Economic Development       EDU/ECD, WAM
HD2 SD1  Spurs economic development and fosters the growth of
        knowledge-based industries in Hawaii via tax
        incentives, special purpose revenue bonds, and other

        (Case b.r.)

HB250   Relating to the Management of Financing    EDU, WAM
HD2     Agreements for the University of Hawaii
        Allows the University of Hawaii to enter into
        financing agreements without the approval of the
        director of finance and the attorney general if the
        principal does not exceed $3,000,000.
        (Morihara, Takai, Santiago, et al.)


HB248   Relating to the University of Hawaii       EDU, WAM
HD1 SD1  Clarifies that the attorney general may provide legal
        representation to the University of hawaii upon mutual
        agreement.  Allows Board of Regents to request
        legislative appropriations to fund claims or judgments
        against the University.
        (Morihara, Takai, Santiago, et al.)

HB1168   Relating to the Library Enhanced Services   EDU, WAM
HD1     Program
        Extends sunset of Act 327, SLH 1993, which authorizes
        the library system to charge fees for enhanced
        (Say b.r.)

HB510   Relating to the Board of Education         EDU, WAM
HD1 SD1  Allows the board of education to employ or retain its
        own attorneys without the approval of the attorney
        general for issues involving Felix compliance.
        (Ito, McDermott)

HB1637   Relating to School Buses                   EDU, WAM
HD2 SD1  Allows the use of tour buses for the transportation of
        high school student groups to and from school-related
        events or activities.  Requires the tour buses be
        aligned with the minimum safety standards of municipal

HB314   Relating to the State Aquarium             EDU, WAM
SD1     Allows current management arrangements at the state
        aquarium to continue until June 30, 2004.
        (Takai, Morihara, Stegmaier, et al.)

HB519   Relating to the Hawaii Teacher Standards    EDU, WAM
SD1     Board
        Provides for staggering the terms of the members of
        the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board.  Extends the
        sunset date for the HTSB for ten years.
        (Ito, McDermott, et al.)

HB532   Relating to Gender Equity in Sports        EDU, WAM
HD3 SD1  Prohibits discrimination in athletics on the basis of
        sex in any public school and requires the
        superintendent of education to develop a strategic
        plan to ensure equity in sports participation.
        (Catalani, Thielen, Morita, et al.)

HB1088   Relating to School Attendance              EDU, WAM


HD2 SD1  Permits the Board of Education to determine the
        starting age for children entering kindergarten and
        the first grade.  Provides for child readiness
        programs for children affected by the change in
        entrance age.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB1085   Making Emergency Appropriations for Education EDU, WAM
HD1 SD1  Appropriates emergency funds for operational expenses
        of the department of education.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB988   Making an Emergency Appropriation for State   EDU, WAM
HD2 SD1  Government to Implement Year 2000 Compliance Efforts
        Emergency appropriation for Year 2000 compliance.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB512   Relating to Education                      EDU, WAM
HD2 SD1  Appropriates funds to develop an early childhood
        education center in the Kalihi area.
        (Ito, et al.)

HB307   Relating to Higher Education               EDU, WAM
HD2 SD1  Creates a college savings program.
        (Takai, Morihara, Schatz, et al.)

HB854   Relating to Education                      EDU, WAM
SD1     Changes the amount of general excise tax revenues to
        be deposited into the state educational facilities
        improvement special fund.
        (Say, Ito, Goodenow, et al.)

HB1683   Relating to High Technology            EDU/ECD, WAM
HD2 SD1  Establishes a high technology research park at the
        research park of the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

HB747   Relating to State Government               GOH, WAM
HD1 SD1  Requires the managed process committee to transform
        State's accounting procurement and budgeting systems;
        requires the procurement policy office to adopt rules
        for a managed procurement process that evaluates the
        efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the purchase
        using uniform accounting standards; requires the
        comptroller to collect from state agencies their
        portion of benefits received under the state risk
        management revolving fund; requires all state
        departments to develop goals and objectives;
        establishes a 6-member advisory commission on
        government restructuring to assist in reducing the

        size and bureaucracy of state government and
        increasing government efficiency and effectiveness;
        requires the auditor to contract with an independent
        auditing firm to conduct an annual financial audit of
        the state and county governments; prohibits state
        agencies from charging other state agencies for
        services or goods provided to other state agencies;
        designates the civil rights commission as the agency
        responsible to provide advocacy services to persons
        with developmental disabilities.
        (Kawakami, Kanoho, Morita, et al.)

HB1276   Relating to Condominiums                   GOH, WAM
HD1 SD1  Subjects CPR to county zoning rules and prohibits CPRs
        on agricultural land; clarifies where funds collected
        by associations may be deposited; establishes a fair
        market value standard (FMVS) for appraising the leased
        fee interest of condos; clarifies the powers of the
        boards of directors lessors; allows association to
        terminate common utilities and collect form tenants
        when condominium owner defaults on paying maintenance
        fees; requires mortgage holders to pay common expenses
        to the association while foreclosure members to
        represent interests of condominium management
        education fund; clarifies that moneys in condominium
        management education fund; provides lien for unpaid
        common expenses; provides time of title transfer for
        forclosure; allows for condo association to deposit
        funds in Hawaii credit union and invest with Hawaii
        Securities Brokers.
        (Lee, b.r.)

HB1018   Relating to the Housing and Community      GOH, WAM
HD2 SD1  Development
        Requires assisted housing development owner to give
        one year notice to tenants if owner is going to
        terminate a subsidy contract or mortgage prepayment;
        gives tenants or nonprofit organization opportunity to
        purchase the development if owner of development has
        not given notice to sell prior to July 1, 1999; sets
        the income limits for participants in the state rent
        supplement program; sets the tenant's annual payment;
        amends the definition of qualified tenant;
        appropriates funds for the program.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB985   Relating to Procurement                    GOH, WAM
HD1 SD1  Eliminates administrator of the State procurement
        office and transfers duties to policy office; amends
        various provisions of the Hawaii public procurement

        code to consolidate and clarify sections in the
        chapter; amends or repeals related sections of the HRS
        to bring them into compliance with the code; deletes
        handicapped preference for construction contracts;
        eliminates the requirement that after fifty per cent
        of contract is complete, retainage may not be
        (Say, b.r.)

HB1026   Relating to Insurance Premium Taxes        GOH, WAM
HD1     Allows low-income housing credit against insurance
        premium tax due.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB176   Relating to Tobacco Tax                    HHS, WAM
HD2 SD1  Provides that the excise tax on cigarettes shall be
        imposed and collected through the use of stamps
        purchased by wholesalers and dealers, and affixed to
        cigarette packages.  Includes provisions for civil and
        criminal penalties, and for forfeitures of cigarettes,
        to be enforced by the police departments, liquor
        commissions, attorney general, and prosecuting
        attorneys.  Mandates repeal of the law in 2005 upon a
        finding by the legislative auditor that the law has
        not reduced the loss of tax revenue due to the illegal
        sale of untaxed cigarettes.  Makes appropriation to
        DOT for stamps.
        (Say, Oshiro, Case, et al.)

HB1413   Relating to Quest                          HHS, WAM
HD1     Requires DHS to compensate community health centers
        treating QUEST patients based on risk factor
        (Ahu Isa, Goodenow, Herkes, et al.)

HB1121   Relating to the Sunset Clause in Act 128,   HHS, WAM
        Session Laws of Hawaii 1997
        Allows the state to continue to "opt out" from Federal
        benefits prohibitions to ensure the continued
        availability of treatment program.
        (Say, b.r.)


HB1664   Relating to Health                     CPN/HHS, WAM
HD3     Implements the recommendations of the patient rights
        and responsibilities task force to strengthen the
        Hawaii patient bill of rights and responsibilities act
        and related laws.

HB895   Relating to Emergency Medical Services     HHS, WAM
HD2 SD1  Permits DOH to integrate emergency aeromedical
        services into statewide emergency medical services.
        Establishes an emergency aeromedical information
        system and quality improvement advisory committee.

HB1145   Making an Emergency Appropriation for   HHS/TIA, WAM
SD1     Emergency Medical Services
        Emergency appropriation for emergency medical

HB1146   Relating to Vital Record Fees              HHS, WAM
SD1     Makes permanent Act 261, SLH 1997; raises fees after
        first copy to $6; increases fee deposit into vital
        statistics improvement special fund to $3; allows
        Native Hawaiians to have vital statistics records for
        free if provided directly by DOH to Department of
        Hawaiian HOme Lands; repeal 6/30/2003.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB1149   Making an Emergency Appropriation for the   HHS, WAM
HD1 SD1  Hawaii Health  Systems Corporation
        Makes emergency appropriation for the Hawaii Health
        Systems Corporation.
        (Say, b.r.)

HB1620   Relating to Health Care Communities        HHS, WAM
HD1 SD1  Authorizes the housing and community development
        corporation of Hawaii to work in partnership with
        private sector entities to develop health care
        communities in the State.  Establishes a health care
        community revolving fund to make loans to businesses
        for the construction of the health care community.
        (Oshiro, et al.)

HB1693   Authorizing the Issuance of Special Purpose   HHS, WAM
HD1     Revenue Bonds for Not-For-Profit Corporations that
        Provide Health Care Facilities
        Authorizes issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds
        for a senior citizen lifecare retirement community.
        (Say b.r.)


Persons wishing to testify should submit 35 copies of their
testimony to the committee clerk, Room 210, State Capitol, 24
hours prior to the hearing. Testimony may also be faxed if less
than 5 pages in length, to the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Office at
586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free for neighbor islands), at
least 24 hours prior to the hearing.  When faxing, please
indicate to whom the testimony is being submitted, the date and
time of the hearing, and the required number of copies needed for

If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids or services
to participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign language
interpreter, wheelchair accessibility, or parking designated for
the disabled), please contact the committee clerk 24 hours prior
to the hearing so arrangements can be made.

Public Folder.  A folder labeled "Public Folder" containing the
measures and testimonies for the hearing will be available for
shared use by members of the public.


____________________________      _______________________________
Senator Carol Fukunaga            Senator Andrew Levin
Co-Chair                          Co-Chair