                     COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS
                      HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                        COMMITTEE ON FINANCE

                           INTERIM OF 1999

                          NOTICE OF HEARING

        DATE:    Tuesday, August 17, 1999
        TIME:    11:00 AM
        PLACE:   Conference Room 309, State Capitol

                             A G E N D A

Pursuant to the provisions of the Community Services Block Grant
Reauthorization Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-285), the Hawaii State Legislature
hereby gives notice to a joint public hearing at which citizens may present
oral and written comments on the intended and proposed use and distribution
of certain Federal Block Grant funds.

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means and the House of Representatives
Committee on Finance will hold a joint hearing on the proposed Application
and plan for the Community Services Block Grant Program.

Persons wishing to testify are requested to submit forty (40) copies of
testimony 24 hours prior to the hearing to Room 306, State Capitol.

Copies of the Application and Plan will be available from Tuesday, August
10, 1999 for public inspection during normal business hours in the offices
of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means (Room 210 or Room 213, State
Capitol) or the House Committee on Finance (Room 306, State Capitol).  For
further information, please call the staff of the Committees at 586-
6760/586-6890 or 586-6200, respectively.

_____________________________          _______________________________
Rep. Dwight Y. Takamine                Sen. Carol Fukunaga, Co-Chair
Committee on Finance                   Committee on Ways and Means

                                    Sen. Andrew Levin, Co-Chair
                                    Committee on Ways and Means

NOTICE FIN 08/17/99