Honolulu, Hawaii
                                                     , 1999

                                   RE:  S.C.R. No. 109
                                        S.D. 1

Honorable Norman Mizuguchi
President of the Senate
Twentieth State Legislature
Regular Session of 1999
State of Hawaii


     Your Committees on Water, Land, and Hawaiian Affairs and
Education and Technology, to which was referred S.C.R. No. 109


beg leave to report as follows:

     The purpose of this measure is to request the relocation of
the statue, "The Spirit of Lili`uokalani" from the State Capitol
grounds to the Iolani Palace grounds.

     Testimony in opposition to the measure was received from the
Department of Land and Natural Resources, the State Foundation on
Culture and the Arts, the Friends of Iolani Palace, the
Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, and the Native Hawaiian
Chamber of Commerce.

     Your Committees find that although the majority of the
testimony received was in opposition to the specific relocation
of the statue to the Iolani Palace grounds, the consensual
opinion was that the statue is less than ideally placed.

     Gladys Brandt, a well-respected member of the Hawaiian
community and the former co-chairperson of the jury that chose
the existing site of the statue, was present at the hearing to
provide your Committees with her insight as to why the statue is
situated between the Palace and the State Capitol.  Ms. Brandt

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                                   STAND. COM. REP. NO. 1293
                                   Page 2

stated that the current statue site was not the site originally
envisioned by either the statue's artist or the jury empaneled to
designate an appropriate site.  In fact, the current site was
selected as a compromise between what was thought of as being the
most appropriate site, on the Iolani Palace grounds facing the
Kamehameha Statue, and a site that was sufficiently strong enough
to hold the weight of the statue without adversely impacting on
the substructure beneath it.

     Ms. Brandt further stated that the statue was not placed on
the Iolani Palace grounds in deference to Queen Lili`uokalani's
opinion that a statue of her brother, King David Kalakaua, Iolani
Palace's creator, would not be appropriately situated on palace

     Consequently, the statue was situated where it remains
today, on an area where sufficient subterranean reinforcement
exists to carry the weight of the statue.

     In light of the information provided by testifiers and Ms.
Brandt, your Committees agree that although the statue should not
be placed on the Iolani Palace grounds as originally intended
under this measure, the current placement of the statue is little
more than a compromise between historic significance and physical

     To ameliorate this compromise, your Committees have amended
the measure by:

     (1)  Adding provisions that establish a commission to
          deliberate and designate a new, more appropriate site
          for the statue;

     (2)  Stating that the commission's membership shall be
          comprised of:

          (A)  One member from the State Foundation on Culture
               and the Arts;

          (B)  One member from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs;

          (C)  One member from the Friends of `Iolani Palace;

          (D)  One member appointed by the President of the
               Senate; and

          (E)  One member appointed by the Speaker of the House
               of Representatives;

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                                   STAND. COM. REP. NO. 1293
                                   Page 3

     (3)  Designating as the chairperson of the commission the
          member from the State Foundation on Culture and the

     (4)  Requesting that the commission determine the specific
          site to which the statue is to be relocated, the
          approximate cost of relocating the statue, and any
          ancillary concerns that may need to be addressed due to
          the relocation;

     (5)  Requesting that the commission report its findings and
          recommendations to the Legislature not later than
          twenty days prior to the convening of the 2000 Regular

     (6)  Amending the transmittal clause to reflect the agencies
          affected by the measure; and

     (7)  Amending the title and text of the measure to reflect
          the abovementioned amendments.

     Your Committee's believe that the outcome of the
commission's deliberations will result in a site that is
cognizant of the political upheaval that deposed the Kingdom of
Hawai`i's last reigning monarch, sensitive to her love of her
home and the people of Hawaii, and at the same time reginal.

     As affirmed by the records of votes of the members of your
Committees on Water, Land, and Hawaiian Affairs and Education and
Technology that are attached to this report, your Committees
concur with the intent and purpose of S.C.R. No. 109, as amended
herein, and recommend that it be referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means, in the form attached hereto as S.C.R. No. 109,
S.D. 1.

                                   Respectfully submitted on
                                   behalf of the members of the
                                   Committees on Water, Land, and
                                   Hawaiian Affairs and Education
                                   and Technology,

____________________________       ______________________________
DAVID Y. IGE, Chair                COLLEEN HANABUSA, Chair

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