FLOOR AMENDMENT NO. 12                   DATE: March 9, 1999     

TO:  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1

     SECTION 1.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 1, page 3, line 5, to read:

"levels.  By June of 1998, the federal government reported that a
total of 160,000 employees had voluntarily separated from

     SECTION 2.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 2, subsection (a), to read:

     "(a)  Prior to obligating any resources for voluntary
separation incentive benefits, the respective director or head of
all departments, the judiciary, and the University of Hawaii,
shall submit to the legislature a strategic workforce reduction
and reorganization plan outlining the intended use of the
incentive benefits and a proposed organizational chart for the
department, the judiciary, or the University of Hawaii once all
incentive benefits have been conferred and the reorganization of
the department, the judiciary, or the university has been
completed.  The strategic plan shall include but not be limited
     (1)  The positions and functions to be reduced or
          eliminated, identified by organizational unit,
          geographic location, occupational category, and salary
     (2)  The number and amounts of voluntary separation
          incentive payments to be offered;
     (3)  A description of how the department, the judiciary, or
          the University of Hawaii will operate without the
          eliminated positions and functions; and
     (4)  A review of its mission, programs, and operations for
          the explicit purpose of restructuring and downsizing
          the workforce in order to achieve the required
          reductions in general funding and positions.
     The strategic plan shall be designed to maximize the
continuation of direct services to department or University of
Hawaii clients and the public and to reduce middle management and
supervisory layers of state government.  Departments and the
University of Hawaii shall use the voluntary separation
incentives provided in this Act, subject to guidelines issued by
the departments of budget and finance and human resources
development, to the maximum extent possible.  The judiciary shall

FLOOR AMENDMENT NO.__________________                      Page 2

use the voluntary separation incentives provided in this Act and
shall develop its own guidelines."

     SECTION 3.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 2, subsection (c), to read:

     "(c)  By September 30, 1999, each department shall submit
its draft strategic plans to the departments of budget and
finance and human resources development for review.  The
judiciary shall submit its draft strategic plan to the chief
justice for review.  The University of Hawaii shall submit its
draft strategic plan to the president of the University of Hawaii
for review.  The president of the University of Hawaii may
utilize the services and personnel of the departments of budget
and finance and human resources development when reviewing the
draft strategic plans under the president's jurisdiction."

     SECTION 4.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 2, subsection (d), to read:

     "(d)  By October 31, 1999, each department shall submit its
revised draft strategic plans to the governor for final review
and approval.  The judiciary shall submit its revised draft
strategic plan to the chief justice for final review and
approval.  The University of Hawaii shall submit its revised
draft strategic plan to the president of the University of Hawaii
for final review and approval.  Upon the approval by the
governor, the chief justice, or the president of the University
of Hawaii, as applicable, of each agency's plan, the governor,
the chief justice, or the president of the University of Hawaii,
as applicable, shall transmit the final strategic plans, draft
legislation to approve the strategic plans, and draft legislation
to implement any recommended statutory amendments, to the
legislature not later than November 30, 1999.  If no legislation
is required to implement changes recommended in any final
strategic plan, then the legislature at a minimum, shall solicit
public input and comment prior to acting on any final strategic

     SECTION 5.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 4 by deleting subsection (h) and re-alphabetizing
subsections (i), (j), (k), (l), and (m), to (h), (i), (j), (k),
and (l), respectively.

     SECTION 6.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 4, page 17, line 5, to read:

"the convening of the regular session of 2001.  The
administrative director of the judiciary shall forward a report
on the positions affected to the legislature no later than twenty
days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2001."

FLOOR AMENDMENT NO.__________________                      Page 3

     SECTION 7.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 5, page 17, line 18, to read:

"period.  The State and each participating county, if applicable,
shall make additional payments to the"

     SECTION 8.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 6, page 17, line 22, to read:

     "SECTION 6.  (a)  Notwithstanding sections 3(i) and 4(l) of"

     SECTION 9.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by amending
Section 7 to read:

     "SECTION 7.  (a)  The department of human resources
development and the judiciary, in cooperation with the employees
retirement system, shall provide briefings prior to the
implementation of any strategic workforce reduction plan to
educate the employees whose positions have been eliminated
pursuant to section 2 of this Act.
     (b)  The department of human resources development shall
develop and coordinate a career transition program that shall
include but not be limited to vocational training, financial and
career planning, and career options for employees who may be
affected by this Act."

     SECTION 10.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by adding ",
the chief justice," following the word "governor" at:

     (a)  Page 3, line 18; and
     (b)  Page 11, line 13.

     SECTION 11.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by adding
", the judiciary," following the word "department" or
"departments" at:

     (a)  Page 5, line 14;
     (b)  Page 7, line 23;
     (c)  Page 8, line 7;
     (d)  Page 8, line 11;
     (e)  Page 9, line 7;
     (f)  Page 10, line 4;
     (g)  Page 10, line 5;
     (h)  Page 12, line 8;
     (i)  Page 13, line 17;
     (j)  Page 15, line 7;
     (k)  Page 16, line 17; and
     (l)  Page 16, line 21.

     SECTION 12.  S.B. No. 803, S.D. 1, is amended by adding ",
the judiciary's," following the word "department's" at:

FLOOR AMENDMENT NO.__________________                      Page 4

     (a)  Page 5, line 21; and
     (b)  Page 7, line 22.

     Offered by:________________       (    ) Carried

                                       (    ) Failed to Carry

                                       (    ) Withdrawn