FLOOR AMENDMENT NO. 3                    DATE: March 9, 1999     

TO:  S.B. No. 102, S.D. 2

     Senate Bill No. 102, S.D. 2, is amended as follows:

     1.  By inserting the following part number to precede
section 1 on page 1, line 1:

                            "Part I"

     2.  By inserting a new Part II consisting of sections 5, 6,
7, and 8 to read as follows:

                            "Part II

     SECTION 5.  The Hawaii health systems corporation, with the
approval of the governor, is authorized to issue revenue bonds in
the sum of $60,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is
appropriated for fiscal year 1999-2000, for the following
     1.   Hilo Medical Center
          Plans, design, construction, equipment,
          and furnishings relating to facilities for
          Hilo Medical Center.                        $25,000,000
     2.   Kona Community Hospital
          Plans, design, construction and
          furnishings relating to facilities for Kona
          Community Hospital.                         $ 5,000,000
          Plans, design, construction, equipment, and
          furnishings relating to facilities for
     SECTION 6.  The revenue bonds authorized in this Act shall
be issued pursuant to part III of chapter 39, Hawaii Revised
Statutes, and chapter 323F, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
     SECTION 7.  The appropriations made for the capital
improvement projects authorized in this Act shall not lapse at
the end of fiscal year 1999-2000 for which the appropriations are
made; provided that all appropriations made to be expended in
fiscal year 1999-2000 which are unencumbered as of June 30, 2001,
shall lapse as of that date.
     SECTION 8.  The sum appropriated shall be expended by the
Hawaii health systems corporation for the purposes of part II of
this Act."

FLOOR AMENDMENT NO.__________________                      Page 2

     3.  By redesignating sections 5 and 6 as sections 9 and 10,

Offered by:_____________________       (    ) Carried

                                       (    ) Failed to Carry

                                       (    ) Withdrawn