Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Friday, October 14, 2022

October 2022 E-Newsletter

October 2022 E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 14, 2022

September 2022 E-Newsletter

September 2022 E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 14, 2022

August 2022 Mid-month E-Newsletter

August 2022 Mid-month E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 14, 2022

August 2022 E-Newsletter

August 2022 E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 14, 2022

July 2022 Mid-month E-Newsletter

July 2022 Mid-month E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 14, 2022

July 2022 E-Newsletter

July 2022 E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 14, 2022

June 2022 E-Newsletter

June 2022 E-Newsletter From the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

May 2022 E-Newsletter (2)

May 2022 E-Newsletter (2) from the Office of Senator Joy A. San Buenaventura

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

May 2022 Town Hall Presentation Slides

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

May 2022 E-Newsletter (1)

May 2022 E-Newsletter (1) from the Office of Senator Joy A. San Buenaventura

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Senator Joy San Buenaventura: May 14, 2022 Town Hall Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 2022 E-Newsletter

April 2022 E-Newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy A. San Buenaventura

Wednesday, March 17, 2022

March 2022 E-Newsletter

March 2022 E-Newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Monday, March 7, 2022

Slide show presentation from 2022 Virtual Town Hall meeting

Monday, March 7, 2022

Senate District 2 Virtual Town Hall Meeting - March 3, 2022

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Please join Senator San Buenaventura for her 2022 Virtual Town Hall

Join Senator Joy A. San Buenaventura
Senate District 2 (Puna-East Ka‘ū)
for a Virtual Town Hall
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
via Zoom

Register at OR

For more information, please call 808-586-6890
For questions ahead of the Town Hall email the Senator at

Friday, February 4, 2022

February 2022 E-Newsletter

February 2022 E-Newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 2022 E-Newsletter

2022 January e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, December 10, 2021

December 2021 E-Newsletter

2021 December e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, November 19, 2021

Mid-November 2021 E-Newsletter

2021 November e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 29, 2021

November 2021 E-Newsletter

2021 November e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, October 29, 2021

October 2021 E-Newsletter

2021 October e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Child Care Stabilization Grant Application - Walk Through Instructions

Click here to view.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

October 1, 2021 Pop-Up Vaccination Clinic in Keaau

Click here for more information.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 2021 E-Newsletter

2021 September e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, July 30, 2021

August 2021 Mid-month E-newsletter

2021 August mid-month e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Thursday, July 29, 2021

STIP Meeting


Thank you to everyone who recently contacted me to discuss traffic congestion on Highway 130!

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) announced the schedule for the second and final round of virtual public informational meetings to discuss and solicit comments on the draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for federal fiscal years 2022 – 2025. Please consider voicing your support for the Highway 130 4-Lane widening project. Attending these meetings was how we got 4-lanes on 2012-2017 STIP and how we can advocate to have it back on the STIP.

The STIP is a four-year programming implementation document that identifies State and County transportation projects, statewide, to be funded, in part, with Federal Highway and Transit funds. The STIP delineates the funding categories and the federal and local share required for each project. HDOT is responsible for the development of the STIP programs for the islands of Hawaii and Kauai, and the islands of Molokai and Lanai.

The virtual public informational meeting schedules for Hawaii Island

Hawaii island meeting #1 – Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 6:30 PM
Hawaii island meeting #2 – Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 6:30 PM

The link to attend each meeting and meeting materials will be posted on the STIP website prior to each meeting:


You can also visit the STIP website to view the Hawaii Island and Kauai FFY 2022-2025 (+2) STIP program, project location maps, and survey results.
Comments can be submitted by Friday, August 13, 2021 using the contact information below.

Highway Planning Branch
869 Punchbowl Street, Room 301
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
fax: (808) 587-1787

Thank you again for contacting me about Highway 130! As always, I sincerely appreciate your feedback and hope you will share this with others who may also be interested in supporting transportation infrastructure improvements in our district.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July 2021 Mid-month E-newsletter

2021 July mid-month e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Thursday, July 8, 2021

July E-newsletter

2021 July e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Friday, June 4, 2021


To participate, please register at:

To view the live stream, visit:
Senator San Buenaventura's Facebook:
Hawaii State Senate Facebook:

Thursday, June 3, 2021

June E-newsletter

2021 June e-newsletter from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

2021 End-Of-Session Budget Update

2021 End-of-Session Budget Update from the Office of Senator Joy San Buenaventura

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

E-newsletter - End of Session 2021

2021 End of Session e-newsletter from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Ka‘ū COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Clinic

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

E-Newsletter for April

E-Newsletter for April from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

Thursday, March 4, 2021

E-Newsletter for March

E-Newsletter for March from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Senate District 2 Virtual Town Hall Meeting - March 2, 2021

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Slide show presentation from 2021 Virtual Town Hall meeting

Click here to view the presentation.

Friday, February 19, 2021


Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 5pm

To participate, please register at:
(Note: there is a limit of 300 participants)

To view the live stream, visit:
Senator's Facebook:
Hawaii State Senate Facebook:

Monday, February 8, 2021

E-Newsletter for February

E-Newsletter for February from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

2021 HMS-HHH Summit Info Briefing

YouTube Livestream for 1-13-21 HMS-HHH Info Briefing
Briefing Materials for 1-13-21 HMS-HHH Info Briefing

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

E-Newsletter for January

E-Newsletter for January from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

E-Newsletter for December

E-Newsletter for December from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

Thursday, December 3, 2020

E-Newsletter for November

E-Newsletter for November from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

October 30, 2020

Mahalo! End of Term E-Newsletter

Mahalo! End of Term E-Newsletter from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

October 16, 2020

E-Newsletter: October Mid-Month Update

October Mid-Month E-Newsletter Update from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

October 1, 2020

E-Newsletter Update for October 1, 2020

October 1, 2020 E-Newsletter Update from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

September 14, 2020

E-Newsletter Update for September 14, 2020

Mid-month September E-Newsletter Update from the Office of Joy San Buenaventura

August 31, 2020

E-Newsletter Update for September 1, 2020

September 1, 2020 E-Newsletter Update from the Office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura

August 28, 2020

Committee on Human Services & Homelessness Informational Briefing 1:00 PM August 28, 2020

Committee Chair Joy A. San Buenaventura will ask participants to explain the plan, initiatives, and processes being implemented by the Department of Health and other State agencies to quarantine and isolate individuals in order to contain the transmission of COVID-19. Participants will also be asked to identify the challenges and obstacles that need to be immediately addressed in order to ensure further containment of community transmission of COVID-19 and identify next steps in the process.
Click the link below for the notice:

August 27, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter August 2020

August E-Newsletter Updates from the Office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura
August 11, 2020
August 20, 2020

June 4, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter June 6, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for June 6, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

June 4, 2020

PPP and EIDL for Farmers, Ranchers, and Ag Small Businesses Event Recording (59 min)

Click here to listen to the audio recording of the US Small Business Administration's recent Tele-Townhall, "PPP and EIDL for Farmers, Ranchers, and Ag Small Businesses."

May 28, 2020

Mental Wellness Workgroup Meeting May 26, 2020

Monday (May 26) I joined fellow legislators Rep Della Au Belatti and Rep Nadine Nakamura for a meeting of the Behavioral Health & Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group (BHHSURG). We met via teleconference as distance working has become the new normal because we won't let the pandemic stop this important work that needs to be done for our communities. The meeting was recorded and can viewed here.

May 26, 2020

Legislature Passes Bills to Cover $1 Billion State Budget Shortfall, Allocates CARES Act Funds to Counties

The 2020 Legislative Session recessed today after passing several bills to shore up a currently projected $1 billion shortfall in the state budget caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation will allow essential government services to continue without having to implement drastic measures such as statewide pay cuts or furloughs and give neighbor island counties funding to assist residents with rent and food needs.
Read full article here

May 7, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter May 7, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for May 7, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

May 5, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter May 5, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for May 5, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

May 1, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter May 1, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for May 1, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

April 28, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter April 28, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for April 28 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

April 24, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter April 24, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for April 24 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

April 22, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter April 22, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for April 22, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

April 15, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter April 15, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter for April 15, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura. here

March 24, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter March 23, 2020

COVID-19 E-Newsletter March 23, 2020 from the office of Representative Joy San Buenaventura.
URL for Read More: click here

March 20, 2020

Hawaii County lawmakers implore Mayor Harry Kim to order 15 days of shelter-in-place

The letter signed by four state senators and the seven state House members who represent Hawaii island also urges Kim to shut down all non-essential government operations, and require quarantine of all travelers arriving from outside Hawaii at the Hilo and Kona International Airports for a minimum of 15 days.
URL for Read More: click here

March 20, 2020

Big Isle lawmakers mixed on how state Legislature will proceed

"The reality is that, because of COVID-19, our supplementary budget is going to look very different," said Puna Rep. Joy San Buenaventura, adding that "high-money bills" are unlikely to be approved.
URL for Read More: click here

February 28, 2020

Report finds failures in county's lava response

State Rep. Joy San Buenaventura of Puna called the report "alarming," but said it "could not have come at a better time, now that we are facing the potential of a pandemic" with the coronavirus COVID-19. View article here

February 26, 2020

Gun Bills Likely to Pass In Wake of Diamond Head Shooting

San Buenaventura introduced HB 2709, which would require representatives of dead gun owners to notify the county of the firearms. Courts wouldn’t be able to close the decedent's estate, like reconciling their assets with their debts, until the guns are disposed of. View article here

February 26, 2020

Initial funds released for Puna boat ramp

San Buenaventura said she has requested further funding for Pohoiki as part of the Capital Improvement Project priorities in the House budget. View article here

February 26, 2020

Minimum wage increase moves forward

"State Rep. Joy San Buenaventura, D-Puna, one of more than 40 legislators to co-sponsor HB 2541, said she'd personally like to see the minimum wage rise to $15 an hour, "but I understand that with allowing for the earned income credit, which specifically targets the ALICE families … that we actually help those that actually need it …" The hope is that with the total legislative package, the state can "prevent these ALICE families from falling into homelessness," she said. View article here

February 14, 2020

Hawaii Homelessness Summit 2020

An informational briefing to evaluate the success of existing programs funded by the Legislature and look ahead to embrace innovative solutions.
Click here to view the report or click here to view the video
February 4, 2020

Hawaii lawmakers announce plans to expand mental health treatment, tighten gun laws

State Rep. Joy San Buenaventura said lawmakers have been working on plans to provide better mental health care to people who have not committed a serious crime but are showing obvious signs of mental illness. "It's a shame that it (took) this tragedy to actually bring it to the forefront," said San Buenaventura
View article here

February 3, 2020

Puna meeting to focus on broadband access,telehealth

The meeting was initially about broadband, San Buenaventura said she wanted to make sure people could see the benefits beyond education and email. View article here

December 20, 2019

3 Big Island residents honored by Healthcare Association of Hawaii

Among those honored this year were three Big Island residents:
• Legislator of the Year: state Rep. Joy San Buenaventura
• Legislator of the Year: state Sen. Russell Ruderman
• Advocacy award (nominated by her peers): Brenda Ho, MS, RN; Hawaii Care Choices.
View article here

October 17, 2019

Join my email list for weekly updates and community events.

January 14, 2019

Human Services & Homelessness Informational Afternoon Briefing

Click here to view article

August 20, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 08.03.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 07.27.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 07.20.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 07.13.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 07.05.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 06.15.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 06.08.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 06.01.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura Lava Update - 05.25.2018

Link to full article

July 30, 2018

Rep San Buenaventura-Weekly Lava Update 05.21.2018

Link to full article

April 20, 2017

HB 1501- Relating to Drug Paraphernalia

Please follow the link to view my interview with Paul Drewes re: HB1501.
Link to interview

Full version of HB1501 can be found here: Full version of bill

April 11, 2017

Highway 130 Planned Projects

Full sized pictures of planned projects for highway 130.
Click here to see pictures

April 7, 2017

April 5, 2017

2016-2017 Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in my first constituent survey. I appreciate your taking the time to provide me with your thoughts on the various topics relating to our district. Your responses give me a better understanding of your views and ultimately helps me to better represent the people of Puna.
Click here to see survey results

March 16, 2017

BBC World News: Interview with Representative Joy San Buenaventura

Please follow the link to listen to my interview with BBC news:
'He fails to understand branches of government'

March 10, 2017

February 21, 2017

2017 Legislative Beginning of Session Newsletter

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your voice in the House of Representatives. In this edition, we review some of the bills that we will be working on during this year's session.

December 12, 2016

Hawaii Next 50 Contest

Stopped by Pahoa High & Intermediate school this morning to drop of Governor George Ariyoshi's book, Hawaii: The Past Fifty Years, The Next Fifty Years to a 7th grade class.

Ms. Ogawa was one of the teachers from the Pahoa district to reach out and request books so her students could enter the contest which is open to Hawaii students in the 4th - 12th grade.

For more information on the contest visit:

December 12, 2016

2016 Self-Help Recognition Awards

On December 2, 2016 Representative (Attorney) Joy San Buenaventura along with other Hilo Attorneys were recognized at the 2016 Self-Help Recognition Awards for our volunteer service to the East Hawaii Community. We provide free legal information to Hawaii Island Residents at the Hilo Courthouse Self-Help Center. Established in July 2012 the Self-Help Center is part of the Hawaii State Judiciary’s commitment to increasing access to justice in the courts. Since its, thousands of Hawaii Island residents have been assisted with legal questions at almost no cost to the state.

July 15, 2016


At the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) for the signing of the medical marijuana bill HB2707. Pictured: JABSOM Dean, Jerris Hedges; Senator Will Espero; Rep. Dee Morikawa; Governor David Ige; Rep. Della Belatti; Rep. Mark Nakashima and Rep. Joy San Buenaventura.

May 17, 2016

2016 Legislative End of Session Newsletter

Thank you for your continued support to serve as your voice in the House of Representatives this past session.

February 16, 2016

Hawai'i County Civil Defense Dengue Fever Update

Fight the Bite by staying current with the latest dengue fever information via

This website allows you to sign up for Civil Defense messages and alerts via text and email, keep current with the total number of confirmed cases, and provides a detailed map updated weekly with location data provided by the State Department of Health.

For further information visit

February 16, 2016

Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Upcoming Albizia Workshops

Calling all albizia assassins to help continue to curb the regrowth of albizia near Lava Tree State Park. Interested in learning how to control young albizia before these fast growing trees become a menace? Want to know more about how to contact absentee landowners or report trees in the row? Come to a hands-on albizia workshop and learn how to take action on albizia.

Saturday, February 20, 2016 9am - 1pm: Lava Tree State Park

Saturday, March 19, 9am - 12pm: Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Center

If you want to sign up for a hands-on workshop, email

For further information visit

February 16, 2016

Invasive Fire Ants

All seven members of the Hawai'i Island State House Delegation are co-sponsoring a bill that would bolster efforts to combat invasive little fire ants. The bill, HB 1607, attempts to address the disproportionate impact the ant has had on Hawai'i County as compared to other islands, by establishing a pilot program which would allow Hawai'i County residents with documented little fire ant infestations to receive a coupon for a free one-year supply of the appropriate pesticide treatment. It also calls for the state Department of Agriculture to create a map detailing all infestation sites.

To view the bill visit

For further information visit

December 16, 2015

New Manufacturing and SBIR Grants

Do you have a business that is about to take the next step in business development? There may be manufacturing grants that you may qualify for - applications due in January. Tom Leonard, the neighbor Island coordinator for Hawaii's High Technology Development Corporation, can mentor you for free to create a business plan, apply for grants, etc. as part of Hawaii's High Tech Innovation Program that was funded by the legislature the past few sessions. It was Oahu-centric before but with Tom, they are reaching out to the neighbor islands.

If interested, email him at:

According to the latest business tax survey, Hawaii ranks number 2 in the country in incentivizing/removing tax burdens on Research & Development start-ups.

December 4, 2015

2015 End of Year - Holiday Newsletter

The end of 2015 is quickly approaching, I want to take this opportunity to wish you a joyous holiday season and I look forward to continue working with you in 2016.

November 25, 2015

Hawaii: Next 50 Contest

Teacher, Pohai Montague-Mullins, of Ke Kula 'O Nawahiokalani'opu'u, public charter school responded to the email we sent out to the public and charter schools in Representative San Buenaventura's district to participate in the Hawaii: Next 50 contest. For more information on the school visit the website at

On November 19, 2015, Rep. San Buenaventura delivered the books Hawaii: The Past Fifty Years, The Next Fifty Years to the school. She was greeted with a traditional Hawaiian welcoming ceremony and told the children "the world is your oyster" - how they care for it will either create a pearl or just sand. If you would like information on the contest click on the following link:

Ke Kula 'O Nawahiokalani'opu'u was named after Joseph Nawahi was a native Hawaiian legislator, lawyer, newspaper publisher, and painter. For more information on Joseph Nawahi click on:

Rep. San Buenaventura is pictured with student leaders, Pohai Montague-Mullins and principal, Kauanoe Kamana.

November 17, 2015

Representative San Buenaventura's Lawmaker Listen

Packed crowd at Puna's Lawmaker Listen. For the first time, Pahoa was the center of Hawaii's Political Universe. From the questions asked, people came from Kona and Hamakua. Representative Mark Nakashima answered the Highway 19 bridge construction question. Speaker Joseph Souki made people laugh, and Representative San Buenaventura answered the evolution of the Medical Marijuana dispensary law.

For those who have not been following her facebook posts. Fom Speaker Souki's 16 dispensary & $25K asset floor; Senator Green's 4 dispensary & $2 million asset floor to the current 8 with potential for more dispensaries & $1 million asset floor. Reprsentative San Buenaventura argued against the proposed 35% tax & prohibition of home grow so at least we don't have the additional tax & we kept home grow in current bill.

July 16, 2015


Representative San Buenaventura at the Hawaii National Guard, 2015 Vigilant Guard, a national disaster preparedness exercise held for the first time in Hawaii in conjunction with Makani Pahili, Hawaii's annual hurricane preparedness exercise. Military personnel from the Philippines, Cambodia and Thailand came to participate.
Photo was taken at Diamond Head's Civil Defense site with Representatives Ryan Yamane, Joy San Buenaventura, and Richard Onishi.

June 25, 2015

Representative San Buenaventura's End of 2015 Legislative Session Newsletter

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your voice in the House of Representatives during the 2015 legislative session. View Newsletter