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<u>Educational Background</u>
&#149; &nbsp;Leilehua High School - Class of 1991 <br>
&#149; &nbsp;University of Oregon:  BA in Journalism, BA in Communications Studies, 1995<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Argosy University: Masters in Organization Leadership, 2015<br>
&#149; &nbsp;University of Hawaii - Manoa:  Currently working on Doctorate Degree in Architecture
<u>Government Service</u>
Hawaii State Senate (2010 to Present):<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, Committee on Ways and Means<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Committee on Education
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Transit Oriented Task Force<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, State Land Use Task Force<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Board Member, Hawaii Asia Pacific Association (HAPA) Young Leaders<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO)<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs (BHCC)<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL)<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, National Conference of State Legislatures Legislative Effectiveness Standing Committee (NCSL)<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Urban Land Institute (ULI)<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Clean and Safe Energy Coalition
Honolulu City Council (2003-2010):<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, 2003-2007<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, Committee on Executive Matters<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, Committee on Public Safety & Services<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, Committee on Public Health, Safety & Welfare<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Vice-Chair, Committee on Executive Matters<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Vice-Chair, Committee on Affordable Housing & Economic Development<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Vice-Chair, Committee on Transportation & Planning<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Vice-Chair, Committee on Public Infrastructure 
&#149; &nbsp;Co-Chair, Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs Annual Conference in Hawaii, 2013<br>
&#149; &nbsp;State Commission on National and Community Service - 2010<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Governor's Working Group on the Purchase of Turtle Bay - 2009<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Board of Directors, National Association of Counties (NACo) - 2003-2009<br>
&#149; &nbsp;NACo Annual Conference Advisory Committee - 2005<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, NACo 2005 Annual Conference and Exposition Steering Committee<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Secretary, Hawaii State Association of Counties - 2003-2004<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Chair, Wahiawa Neighborhood Board, 2000-2002
&#149; &nbsp;American Council Professional Fellows Program to Armenia - 2018<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options (HCREO) - 2015<br>
&#149; &nbsp;National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) Gettysburg Leadership Experience - 2015<br>
&#149; &nbsp;American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) Exchange Program to Australia - 2013<br>
&#149; &nbsp;American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Educational Seminar in Israel - 2013<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Young Elected Officials (YEO) 2013 National Convening, Washington, D. C.<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Council of State Governments (CSG), Western Legislative Academy for Legislators - 2012<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Emerging Leaders Program, University of Virginia - 2013<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs Leadership Workshop, Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education - 2013
<u>Community Service:</u>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Leilehua Alumni and Community Association<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Hawaii Bicycling League<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Advisory Council, Leeward Community College<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Leeward Community College Culinary Institute Board<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Vice-President (2001-2002), Filipino Chamber of Commerce<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Wahiawa Lions Club<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
<u>Honors and Awards:</u>
&#149; &nbsp;HawaiiKidsCAN 2018 Legislative Champion - 2018<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation Inaugural Champion of Agriculture Award - 2013<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Filipino Community Council of Hawaii Progress Award for Excellence in Government Service, 2007<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Pacific Century Fellow, 2004<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Pacific Business News Forty and Under 40 Award, 2001<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Public Relations Society of America Koa Anvil Award, 2001
&#149; &nbsp;U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Incident Command System (ICS-402) - 2013
<u>Current Profession:</u>
&#149; &nbsp;
<u>Prior Professions:</u>
&#149; &nbsp;Director of Marketing, Watermark Publishing<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Account Supervisor, Stryker Weiner & Yokota Public Relations<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Account Executive, McNeil Wilson Communications<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Public Relations Coordinator, Hilton Hawaiian Village<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Member, DTL Hawaii
&#149; &nbsp;The Whitmore Project - a project to revitalize Central Oahu by re-establishing agricultural dominance in the area resulting in creation of jobs and promoting economic development.<br>
&#149; &nbsp;Publications:  The Okazu Guide, The Puka Guide, The Omiyage Guide - books focusing on such cultural activities as exploring Japanese delicatessens; "hole-in-the-wall" places that locals like to frequent; and places to buy gifts for those who engage in the local tradition of buying gifts when they travel.