Report of the Affordable Health Insurance Working Group
Letter from Ige Administration to Sen. Ron Johnson - 10/11/17
Gov. Ige’s response to Senator Johnson’s request for information about the costs of Hawai’i’s Medicaid expansion population.
Administrative Branch Memo
A memorandum which provides talking points on potential impacts in Hawaii from the President’s Executive Order (EO) Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States. Memorandum was developed as a collaborative effort between the Department of the Attorney General, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, and was approved by Gov. Ige’s Office.
ACA Position Statement 7/14/17
Developed through a collaborative Departmental effort, this handout, communicated to the Hawai'i Congressional Delegation, outlined the State's priorities for any repeal and/or replacement of the ACA. Under consideration at the time was the "Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017", which failed in the US Senate on 7/28/17. Priority items were ranked in relation to the manner in which Hawai'i would be impacted by the passage of such a bill. Lower priorities do not indicate items that the State doesn't support, but rather that those items were not included in repeal and replace legislation. The impact of repeal of funding for Hawai'i's Medicaid expansion as well as areas to address market stability are shown in this document.
Health Care and Health Insurance, on the Threshold of…
Slideshow which illustrates the doubling of healthcare premiums every 10 years due to healthcare cost expenditures, identifies healthcare cost drivers and the urgent need to address these cost drivers. Illustrates what healthcare premiums will be like in 2026 if we do not bend the healthcare cost curve downward due to the unsustainable nature of the current state of healthcare expenditure annual increases.
Bipartisan Governors’ Blueprint, 8/30/17
An open letter to US Congressional leadership from the governors of Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Virginia, Alaska, Montana and Louisiana urging Congress to take immediate action to stabilize the health insurance market and a list of state policy options which enjoy some bipartisan support.
Health Plan Week Vol. 27 No. 29, 8/21/17
Health insurance industry newsletter with articles which depict various States’ legislative and administrative actions in response to the uncertain future of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Meeting Notices:
Meeting Minutes:
11-20-17 (Includes departmental responses to Save Medicaid Hawaii questionnaire)
Presentation Materials:
Hawaii Medicaid Vision and Waiver Renewal
Slides from MQD Administrator's presentation on MQD's vision for the Medicaid program, the QUEST Integration Section 1115 Waiver, and the waiver renewal process.
Meeting Videos