Representative Terez Amato grew up in South and Central Maui and is a graduate of St.
Anthony Jr./Sr. High School in Wailuku (Class of ’93). As a hardworking, single mother of four,
she believes in our basic human rights to clean air, clean water, and locally grown food. Her
vision is for a sustainable Maui nui where education, health care, and preserving the rights of all
citizens and workers is both progressive and rational.
Working in very successful, small family businesses on Maui from a young age, she learned the
importance of integrity and always doing her best when serving others. Terez Amato’s honest,
thoughtful, and responsive approach to issues and considering the good of all—especially the
future of our children—defines her mission as a Representative.
She is dedicated to serving as a Representative for the people, not for corporations and
lobbyists, and has remained steadfast in her vow not to accept corporate or lobbyist donations.