Part I. Arrests Generally
803-1 Arrest; by warrant
803-2 By oral order
803-3 By person present
803-4 On suspicion
803-5 By police officer without warrant
803-6 Arrest, how made
803-7 Use of force
803-8 Weapons on person arrested
803-9 Examination after arrest; rights of arrested person
803-10 Penalty
803-11 Entering house to arrest
Part IA. Arrest by Federal Officers
803-16 Officer of United States Customs and Border
Protection Service or Citizenship and Immigration
Services; arrest powers
803-17 United States marshal or deputy United States
marshal; arrest powers
Part II. Fugitive Criminals on Vessels
803-21 Fugitive criminal; surrender by master of vessel
803-22 Secreting prisoners on board; penalty
803-23 Searching vessels without warrant; penalty
803-24 War vessels excepted
Part III. Search Warrants
803-31 Search warrant; defined
803-32 Purposes
803-33 Affidavit
803-33.5 Warrants issued on oral statements or electronic
803-34 Contents
803-35 Deputies or police officers may serve
803-36 Notice to applicant
803-37 Power of officer serving
803-38 Munitions of war
Part IV. Electronic Eavesdropping
803-41 Definitions
803-42 Interception, access, and disclosure of wire, oral,
or electronic communications, use of pen register,
trap and trace device, and mobile tracking device
803-43 Devices to intercept wire, oral, or electronic
communications and advertising of same prohibited;
penalty; forfeiture
803-44 Application for court order to intercept wire, oral,
or electronic communications
803-44.5 Application for a pen register or a trap and trace
803-44.6 Issuance of an order for a pen register or a trap
and trace device
803-44.7 Application for authorization to install and use a
mobile tracking device
803-45 Authorization for disclosure and use of intercepted
wire, oral, or electronic communications
803-46 Procedure for interception of wire, oral, or
electronic communication
803-47 Reports concerning intercepted wire, oral, or
electronic communications; reports concerning pen
registers and trap and trace devices
803-47.5 Disclosure of contents of communication while in
electronic storage
803-47.6 Requirements for governmental access
803-47.7 Backup preservation
803-47.8 Delay of notification
803-47.9 Cost reimbursement
803-48 Recovery of civil damages authorized
803-48.5 Injunction against illegal interception
803-49 Severability
803-50 Repealed
As to procedural statutes superseded by the rules of court, see note preceding Title 32.