Part I. Generally
453-1 Practice of medicine defined
453-1.3 Practice of telehealth
453-1.5 Pain management guidelines
453-2 License required; exceptions
453-3 Limited and temporary licenses
453-3.1 Repealed
453-3.2 Educational teaching license
453-3.5 Training replacement temporary license
453-4 Qualifications for examination and licensure
453-4.5 Foreign medical graduates; alternative
453-4.6 Licensure by endorsement
453-5 Hawaii medical board; appointment, removal,
453-5.1 Powers and duties of board
453-5.2 Repealed
453-5.3 Physician assistant; licensure required
453-5.4 Physician assistant advisory committee
453-5.5 Physician assistant; authority to sign documents
453-6 Fees; expenses
453-6.5 Repealed
453-7 Form of license
453-7.5 Review of complaints and information by department
453-8 Revocation, limitation, suspension, or denial of
453-8.1 Voluntary limitation of license
453-8.2 Disciplinary action
453-8.3 Repealed
453-8.4 Summary suspension
453-8.5 Repealed
453-8.6 Discipline based on action taken by another state
or federal agency; conditions; prohibition on
453-8.7 Reporting requirements
453-8.8 Physician workforce assessment fee; license;
physician workforce information
453-9 Repealed
453-10 Witnesses in such proceeding
453-11 Recalcitrant witnesses; contempt
453-12 Perjury
453-13 Penalty
453-14 Duty of physician, osteopathic physician, surgeon,
hospital, clinic, etc., to report wounds
453-15 Who shall give consent to a postmortem examination
453-16 Intentional termination of pregnancy; penalties;
refusal to perform
453-17 Subpoena of peer review adverse decision report
453-18 Pelvic examinations on anesthetized or unconscious
female patients
Part II. Emergency Medical Service Personnel
453-31 Emergency ambulance service personnel
453-32 License requirements for emergency medical services
453-32.1 Renewal of licensure
453-32.5 Provisional licensure
453-32.51 Limited provisional licensure
453-32.6 Delegation to committee of practicing emergency
physicians or osteopathic physicians and emergency
ambulance personnel
453-33 Rules
453-34 Licensure consistent with levels of practice;
licensure of emergency medical technician 1
Part III. Expedited Partner Therapy
453-51 Definitions
453-52 Expedited partner therapy
453-53 Information sheet
453-54 Limitation of liability
Cross References
Sunset evaluations modified, see §§26H-4 and 26H-5.
Breast density mammography results; report and notification, see §321-46.
Client-patient referrals, health care provider practices regulated, see §431:10C-308.7.
Filing of electronic mail address, see §451D-5.
Health care peer review, see chapter 671D.
Health care professionals, see chapter 451D.
Health maintenance organization act, see chapter 432D.
Immunity for prescribing, dispensing, or distributing opioid antagonists, see chapter 329E.
Physicians, appointment as child custody evaluators, see §571-46.4.
Primary health care incentive program, see §321-1.5.
Law Journals and Reviews
Driving into the Sunset: A Proposal for Mandatory Reporting to the DMV by Physicians Treating Unsafe Elderly Drivers. 25 UH L. Rev. 59 (2002).
Medical Malpractice in Hawai`i: Tort Crisis or Crisis of Medical Errors? 30 UH L. Rev. 167 (2007).