353C-1 Definitions
353C-2 Director of public safety; powers and duties
353C-3 Deputy directors; appointment
353C-4 Appointment of employees with police powers and other
353C-4.5 Correctional health care program
353C-5 Criminal history record checks
353C-6 Parking fees, exemption
353C-7 Federal reimbursement maximization special fund
353C-8 Sexual assaults in prison
353C-8.5 Correctional facility and community correctional
center deaths; reporting
353C‑9 Department accreditation required
353C-10 Repealed
353C-11 Service of process; list
353C-12 Eligible voter notification
Departments of health and public safety to develop procedures to obtain administrative orders to overcome objections of patients subject to jurisdiction of department of public safety (repealed June 30, 2024). L 2017, c 111, §4.
Incarcerated parents; forms or questions to ask offenders upon intake; plan for management of data collected and public disclosure of data. L 2015, c 16, §3.
Inmates released with and without identification documents; annual report to legislature (starting with the 2019 session). L 2017, c 56, §2.
Reentry pilot project for nonviolent, low-risk drug offenders; reports to 2015-2016 legislature (repealed June 30, 2016). L 2014, c 149; L 2015, c 126, §26.
State law enforcement memorial. L 2011, c 14.
Cross References
Controlled substances and narcotics enforcement, see chapter 329.
Forensic identification, see chapter 844D.
Medical use of marijuana, see §§329-121 to 329-128.
Sex offender treatment program, see chapter 353E.