REPEALED. L 1972, c 10, §7.
§§329-14 and 22 are renumbered §§329-39 and 44, respectively, and assigned to the new chapter 329, Uniform Controlled Substances Act. L 1972, c 10, §§7, 8.
Part I. General Provisions
329-1 Definitions
329-2 Hawaii advisory commission on drug abuse and
controlled substances; number; appointment
329-3 Annual report
329-4 Duties of the Hawaii advisory commission on drug
abuse and controlled substances
Part II. Standards and Schedules
329-11 Authority to schedule controlled substances
329-12 Nomenclature
329-13 Schedule I tests
329-14 Schedule I
329-15 Schedule II tests
329-16 Schedule II
329-17 Schedule III tests
329-18 Schedule III
329-19 Schedule IV tests
329-20 Schedule IV
329-21 Schedule V tests
329-22 Schedule V
329-23 Republishing and distribution of schedules
Part III. Regulation of Manufacture, Distribution,
Prescription, and Dispensing of Controlled
329-31 Rules
329-31.5 Clinics
329-32 Registration requirements
329-33 Registration
329-34 Revocation and suspension of registration
329-35 Order to show cause
329-36 Records of registrants
329-37 Filing requirements
329-38 Prescriptions
329-38.2 Prescriptions; additional restrictions
329-38.5 Opioid therapy; informed consent process; requirement
for written policies
329-39 Labels
329-39.5 Opioid warning label
329-40 Methadone treatment programs
Part IV. Offenses and Penalties
329-41 Prohibited acts B--penalties
329-42 Prohibited acts C--penalties
329-43 Penalties under other laws
329-43.5 Prohibited acts related to drug paraphernalia
329-43.6 Overdose prevention; limited immunity
329-44 Notice of conviction to be sent to licensing board,
department of commerce and consumer affairs
329-45 Repealed
329-46 Prohibited acts related to visits to more than one
practitioner to obtain controlled substance
329-49 Administrative penalties
329-50 Injunctive relief
Part V. Enforcement and Administrative Provisions
329-51 Powers of enforcement personnel
329-52 Administrative inspections
329-53 Injunctions
329-54 Cooperative arrangements and confidentiality
329-55 Forfeitures
329-56 Burden of proof; liabilities
329-57 Judicial review
329-58 Education and research
329-59 Controlled substance registration revolving fund;
Part VI. Regulated Chemicals for the Manufacture of
Controlled Substances
329-61 Substances subject to reporting
329-62 Proper identification
329-63 Person required to keep records and file reports
329-64 Exceptions
329-65 Penalty
329-66 Theft, loss, and discrepancy reports
329-67 Permit for conduct of business; applications; forms;
fees; renewal; violations
329-68 Protection of records; divulging confidential
information prohibited; penalties
329-69 Subpoena powers
329-70 Forfeiture
329-71 Requirements when selling specific chemicals
329-72 Rules
329-73 Repealed
329-74 Unlawful transport of pseudoephedrine
329-75 Sales of products, mixtures, or preparations
containing pseudoephedrine; reporting requirement
for wholesalers
Part VII. Precursors to Controlled Substances--Repealed
329-81 to 91 Repealed
Part VIII. Electronic Prescription Accountability
329-101 Reporting of dispensation of controlled substances;
electronic prescription accountability system;
requirements; penalty
329-102 Central repository
329-103 Designated state agency
329-104 Confidentiality of information; disclosure of
Part IX. Medical Use of Cannabis
329-121 Definitions
329-122 Medical use of cannabis; conditions of use
329-123 Registration requirements; qualifying patients;
primary caregivers
329-123.5 Registration requirements; qualifying out-of-state
patient; caregiver of a qualifying out-of-state
329-124 Insurance not applicable
329-125 Protections afforded to a qualifying patient, primary
caregiver, qualifying out-of-state patient, or
caregiver of a qualifying out-of-state patient
329-125.5 Medical cannabis patient and caregiver protections
329-125.6 Protections afforded to an owner or qualified
employee of a licensed medical cannabis dispensary
329-126 Protections afforded to a treating physician or
advanced practice registered nurse
329-127 Protection of cannabis and other seized property
329-128 Fraudulent misrepresentation; penalty
329-129 Prohibited acts; flammable solvents
329-130 Authorized sources of medical cannabis
329-131 Prescription and pharmacy requirements not applicable
Cross References
Drug dealer liability, see chapter 663E.
Medical cannabis; economic and other data; collection, see §201-13.9.
Medical cannabis testing and research programs, see §304A-1865.
Money laundering, see chapter 708A.
Law Journals and Reviews
Regression by Progression: Unleveling the Classroom Playing Field Through Cosmetic Neurology. 33 UH L. Rev. 193 (2010).
The "Grande Iced Nonfat Chai with a Shot of Espresso" Problem: Dealing with Designer Drugs in the Wake of McFadden v. United States. 39 UH L. Rev. 265 (2016).
Case Notes
Hawaii county ordinance that established cannabis offenses as the lowest law enforcement priority in the county conflicted with, and was therefore preempted by, this chapter and other state laws governing the investigation and prosecution of alleged violations of the Hawaii Penal Code concerning the adult personal use of cannabis. 135 H. 411, 353 P.3d 953 (2015).
This chapter preempted a Hawaii county ordinance that made the enforcement of marijuana laws the lowest enforcement priority in the county, because the ordinance covered the adult personal use of cannabis, which was the same subject matter that the legislature intended to govern under this chapter. 132 H. 511 (App.), 323 P.3d 155 (2014).