Part I.  General Provisions


    291E-1 Definitions

    291E-2 Medical services

    291E-3 Evidence of intoxication

    291E-4 Convictions and acts prior to January 1, 2002

    291E-5 Ignition interlock user affordability

    291E-6 Ignition interlock devices; certification

  291E-6.5 Continuous alcohol monitoring device; requirement;


    291E-7 Trauma system surcharge

    291E-8 State drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory

           special fund; established


        Part II.  Testing and Implied Consent

   291E-11 Implied consent of operator of vehicle to submit to

           testing to determine alcohol concentration and drug


   291E-12 Persons qualified to take blood specimen

   291E-13 Additional tests

   291E-14 Consent of person incapable of refusal not withdrawn

   291E-15 Refusal to submit to breath, blood, or urine test;

           subject to administrative revocation proceedings

   291E-16 Repealed

   291E-17 Other evidence not excluded

   291E-18 Test results to be collected

   291E-19 Authorization to establish intoxicant control

           roadblock programs

   291E-20 Minimum standards for roadblock procedures

   291E-21 Applicable scope of part; mandatory testing in the

           event of a collision resulting in injury or death

   291E-22 Presence of drugs or metabolic products;



        Part III.  Administrative Revocation Process

   291E-31 Notice of administrative revocation; effect

   291E-32 Criminal prosecution

   291E-33 Probable cause determination; issuance of notice of

           administrative revocation; procedures

   291E-34 Notice of administrative revocation; contents

   291E-35 Immediate restoration of license

   291E-36 Documents required to be submitted for

           administrative review; sworn statements

   291E-37 Administrative review; procedures; decision

   291E-38 Administrative hearing; procedure; decision

   291E-39 Fees and costs

   291E-40 Judicial review; procedure

   291E-41 Effective date, conditions, and period of

           administrative revocation; criteria

   291E-42 Notice to other states

   291E-43 Administrative procedure act

   291E-44 Repealed

 291E-44.5 Ignition interlock permits; driving for employment

   291E-45 Eligibility for relicensing and reregistration

           of motor vehicle

 291E-45.5 Repeat intoxicated driver after December 31, 2010;

           eligibility to obtain motor vehicle registration

           and number plates

   291E-46 Computation of time

   291E-47 Failure to surrender number plates

   291E-48 Special motor vehicle registration

   291E-49 Transferring title to, or ownership interest in,

           vehicle prohibited; exceptions

   291E-50 Notice to the department of land and natural

           resources of suspensions and revocations of

           operating privileges


        Part IV.  Prohibited Conduct

   291E-61 Operating a vehicle under the influence of an


 291E-61.5 Habitually operating a vehicle under the influence

           of an intoxicant

 291E-61.6 Petition for ignition interlock instruction permit

           and ignition interlock permit; eligibility;


   291E-62 Operating a vehicle after license and privilege have

           been suspended or revoked for operating a vehicle

           under the influence of an intoxicant; penalties

   291E-63 Records of suspensions and revocations of operating

           privileges to be maintained

   291E-64 Operating a vehicle after consuming a measurable

           amount of alcohol; persons under the age of


   291E-65 Refusal to submit to testing for measurable amount

           of alcohol; district court hearing; sanctions;

           appeals; admissibility

   291E-66 Circumvention of, or tampering with, an ignition

           interlock device by a person who has been

           restricted to operating a vehicle equipped with an

           ignition interlock device; penalties

   291E-67 Assisting or abetting the circumvention of, or

           tampering with, an ignition interlock device;


   291E-68 Repealed




  Task force to examine and propose legislation that would allow the courts, under certain circumstances, to prohibit a person convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant or habitually operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant from purchasing or publicly consuming alcohol for a probation period; report to 2020 legislature.  L 2019, c 169, §4.


Case Notes


  The completion of certain administrative driver's license revocation office forms by defendant and subsequent transmittal of the forms by a civilian police officer for the Navy to the office did not violate the Posse Comitatus Act as (1) the enforcement of Hawaii state law against military personnel on a military base does not infringe on civil authority, and (2) a primary purpose for the completion and transmittal was established; thus, suspension of defendant's license affirmed.  110 H. 172, 130 P.3d 1037 (2006).