§243-3.5 Environmental response, energy, and food security tax; uses. (a) In addition to any other taxes provided by law, subject to the exemptions set forth in section 243-7, there is hereby imposed a state environmental response, energy, and food security tax on each barrel or fractional part of a barrel of petroleum product sold by a distributor to any retail dealer or end user of petroleum product, other than a refiner. The tax shall be $1.05 on each barrel or fractional part of a barrel of petroleum product that is not aviation fuel; provided that of the tax collected pursuant to this subsection:
(1) 5 cents of the tax on each barrel shall be deposited into the environmental response revolving fund established under section 128D-2;
(2) 4 cents of the tax on each barrel shall be deposited into the energy security special fund established under section 201-12.8;
(3) 8 cents of the tax on each barrel shall be deposited into the energy systems development special fund established under section 304A-2169.1; and
[(4)] 3 cents of the tax on each barrel shall be deposited into the electric vehicle charging system subaccount established pursuant to section 269-33(e).
The tax imposed by this subsection shall be paid by the distributor of the petroleum product.
(b) In addition to subsection (a), the tax shall also be imposed on each one million British thermal units of fossil fuel sold by a distributor to any retail dealer or end user, other than a refiner, of fossil fuel. The tax shall be 19 cents on each one million British thermal units of fossil fuel; provided that of the tax collected pursuant to this subsection:
(1) 4.8 per cent of the tax on each one million British thermal units shall be deposited into the environmental response revolving fund established under section 128D-2;
(2) 14.3 per cent of the tax on each one million British thermal units shall be deposited into the energy security special fund established under section 201‑12.8; and
(3) 9.5 per cent of the tax on each one million British thermal units shall be deposited into the energy systems development special fund established under section 304A-2169.1.
The tax imposed by this subsection shall be paid by the distributor of the fossil fuel.
(c) The tax imposed under subsection (b) shall not apply to coal used to fulfill a signed power purchase agreement between an independent power producer and an electric utility that is in effect as of June 30, 2015. An independent power producer shall be permitted to pass the tax imposed under subsection (b) on to an electric utility. In which case, the electric utility may recover the cost of the tax through an appropriate surcharge to the end user that is approved by the public utilities commission.
(d) A gas utility shall be allowed to recover the cost of the tax imposed under subsection (b) as part of its fuel cost in its fuel adjustment charge without further approval by the public utilities commission.
(e) Each distributor subject to the tax imposed by subsection (a) or (b), on or before the last day of each calendar month, shall file, in the form and manner prescribed by the department, a return statement of the tax under this section for which the distributor is liable for the preceding month. The form and payment of the tax shall be transmitted to the department in the form and manner prescribed by the department.
(f) Notwithstanding section 248-8 to the contrary, the environmental response, energy, and food security tax collected under this section shall be paid over to the director of finance for deposit as provided in subsection (a) or (b), as the case may be.
(g) Every distributor shall keep in the State and preserve for five years a record in a form as the department of taxation shall prescribe showing the total number of barrels, and the fractional part of barrels, of petroleum product or the total number of one million British thermal units of fossil fuel, as the case may be, sold by the distributor during any calendar month. The record shall show any other data and figures relevant to the enforcement and administration of this chapter as the department may require.
(h) For the purposes of this section:
"Barrel" may be converted to million British thermal units, using the United States Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration annual energy review or annual energy outlook.
"Fossil fuel" means a hydrocarbon deposit, such as coal, natural gas, or liquefied natural gas, derived from the accumulated remains of ancient plants or animals and used for fuel; provided that the term specifically does not include petroleum product. [L 1993, c 300, §2; am L 1994, c 205, §2; am L 2010, c 73, §§4, 14; am L 2014, c 107, §3(2); am L 2015, c 35, §4 and c 185, §§3, 4; am L 2019, c 122, §12; am L 2021, c 75, §2 and c 117, §21; am L Sp 2021, c 9, §7]
Law Journals and Reviews
What Can the Abolition of Slavery Teach Us About Climate Change? Local Action in the Liquefied Natural Gas Controversy. 35 UH L. Rev. 687 (2013).