
    225M-1 Purpose

    225M-2 Office of planning and sustainable development;

           establishment; responsibilities

    225M-3 Cooperation

    225M-4 Allocation of funds

    225M-5 to 7 Repealed

    225M-8 Statewide sustainability branch; established

    225M-9 Coordination of sea level rise adaptation activities




  "Carbon farming task force; report to 2023 and 2025 legislature (ceases to exist on June 30, 2025)", as shown in the main volume, deleted pursuant to L 2018, c 15, §5.

  State goal for affordable rental housing units; special action team (terminated December 31, 2019); annual report to 2017-2019 legislature.  L 2016, c 127; L 2017, c 96, §2.

  Study of the land subdivision and condominium property regime laws as they relate to agricultural land on Oahu and how these laws interact with city and county of Honolulu zoning ordinances; report to 2021 legislature.  L 2019, c 278, §§1 to 3.

  Office of planning report to 2022 legislature on federally leased and controlled lands, the condition of those lands, and potential alternative uses of those lands should they be returned to the State.  L 2021, c 93.