§397-5  Fees.  (a)  The director may prescribe reasonable fees to be charged for inspection, examination, other services rendered and for permits, certificates, or licenses, the issuance of which are required by this chapter or by any rules of the department adopted pursuant to this chapter, and for:

     (1)  Inspections by the department of any boiler, pressure system, amusement ride, and elevator and kindred equipment for which a permit or certificate is required for its installation, operation, or use, and which is required to be inspected by this chapter or by any rules of the department; and

     (2)  Examination of any person applying for permits, certificates, or licenses as required by this chapter or by any rules of the department.

     (b)  All fees received by the department pursuant to this section shall be paid into the boiler and elevator revolving fund.

     (c)  Effective July 1, 2012, the fees for inspections, permits, and examinations of boilers, pressure systems, elevators, kindred equipment, and amusement rides shall be as prescribed by the schedules in this section; provided that the director may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to amend the fees specified in this section.


SCHEDULE A:  Boiler and Pressure System Fees

     Installation, Repair, and Alteration Permit Fees:

     (1)  Power boilers (shall pass a hydrostatic test unless indicated otherwise):

          Miniature electric (no hydrostatic test

            required)                            $190

          Less than 500 square feet of heating

            surface                              $250

          Greater than or equal to 500 and less

            than or equal to 3,000 square feet of

            heating surface                      $400

          Greater than 3,000 square feet of heating

            surface                              $750

     (2)  Heating boiler                               $190

          Retrofit                                     $160

     (3)  Pressure vessel                              $175

          Retrofit                                     $130

     (4)  Sterilizers and steam kettles                    $150

          Retrofit                                     $110

     (5)  Repair application fee                       $200

     (6)  Alteration application fee                    $500

     Examination and License Fees:

     (1)  Boiler inspectors certificate of competency

            examination fee                      $300

     (2)  Review of shops and facilities for the

            issuance of National Board or American

            Society of Mechanical Engineers

            certificate of authorization  $1,500

     (3)  Review of shops and facilities for the

            issuance of Non-Boiler External Piping

            certificate of authorization            $750

     (4)  Boiler inspector's Hawaii commission,

            initial and renewal                  $75

     Internal and External Inspection Fees:

     (1)  Power boilers:

          Without manholes                             $150

          With manholes but less than or equal to

            3,000 square feet of heating surface          $180

          With manholes greater than 3,000 and less

            than or equal to 10,000 square feet of

            heating surface                      $260

          With manholes and over 10,000 square

            feet of heating surface               $450

     (2)  Heating boilers:

          Hot water supply                             $130

          Steam and water heating without manholes    $110

          Steam, over 100 square feet but not over

            500 square feet of heating surface        $140

          All with manholes and steam over 500

            square feet of heating surface             $170

     (3)  Pressure vessels:

          Routine inspections                          $65

          Internal for air or water service             $130

          Ultrasonic testing                           $130

     (4)  For all other types of inspections

          an hourly fee is assessed                    $100

     (5)  Hydrostatic test                             $300

     (6)  School "specials" (non-code objects)       $10

     Reports and Permit Processing Fees:

     (1)  Report and permit                            $25

     (2)  Permit reprint                               $20

     (3)  Signed permit card (old issue)              $10

     (4)  Owner portal                                   $5


SCHEDULE B:  Elevator and Kindred Equipment Fees

Installation and Alteration Permits:

     (1)  Alteration involving only the replacement of

          up to two parts (such as a valve, a jack,

          or a cylinder)                               $150

     (2)  Alteration involving only cosmetic changes

          (such as car interior modernizations)          $300

     (3)  Alterations of more than two parts,

          components, or subsystems:

          1 – 3 floors                                 $600

          4 – 9 floors                                 $650

          10 – 19 floors                               $700

          20 – 29 floors                               $750

          30 – 39 floors                               $800

          40 or more floors                            $900

     (4)  Where alterations to four or more units at

          the same location are identical, the fee for

          each additional alteration permit shall be

          reduced by fifty per cent.  The applications

          must be submitted at the same time to qualify

          for the fee reduction.

     (5)  Installation of new elevators (including material lifts) and kindred equipment:

          Dumbwaiter                                   $500

          Escalator, moving walk, or moving ramp         $500

          Hand elevator or stage lift                    $500

          Wheelchair or stairway lifts                    $500

          Elevator, 1 - 3 floors                       $600

          Elevator, 4 - 9 floors                       $650

          Elevator, 10 - 19 floors                     $700

          Elevator, 20 - 29 floors                     $750

          Elevator, 30 – 39 floors                     $800

          Elevator, 40 or more floors                    $900

          Personnel hoists                             $250

          Inclined tunnel lifts                        $500

          (For elevators, such as observation or deep

          well elevators, which have considerable rise

          but few openings, each ten feet of vertical

          rise shall be considered one floor for the

          purpose of determining installation or

          alteration permit fees.)

     (6)  Temporary use permits (construction car)  $450

     (7)  For each valid alteration or installation

          permit, the department shall provide one

          inspection per unit.

     (8)  The fee for each additional inspection or

          witnessing of tests, or both, shall be $300

          per day for up to two hours and $600 per day

          for more than two hours if during the normal

          workday.  Fees for overtime hours shall

          be $600 per day for up to two hours and

          $1,200 per day for more than two hours.

     (9)  Each installation or alteration permit

          shall be valid for up to one year from date

          of issuance.

     Inspection Fees:

     (1)  Permit renewal inspection fees:

          Dumbwaiter                                        $140

          Escalator, moving walk, or moving ramp         $150

          Hand elevator or stage lift                         $150

          Wheelchair or stairway lifts                         $150

          Hydraulic elevator - holed                         $150

          Hydraulic elevator - holeless                         $200

          Traction elevator:

          1 - 3 floor rise                                  $225

          4 - 9 floor rise                                  $250

          10 - 19 floor rise                                $275

          20 - 29 floor rise                                $325

          30 - 39 floor rise                                $400

          40 or more floor rise                             $475

          Personnel hoists                                  $175

          Inclined tunnel lifts                             $220

     (2)  Safety, load or internal test (witness fees):

          3-year safety test                                $200

          5-year safety test                                $300

          Escalator internal                                $100

     (3)  Permit renewal and witness fees are per

          inspection, which may constitute one day or

          part of the day.  If the inspector is required

          to return on another day or at another time

          on the same day, additional fees shall be

          assessed at the rate of $300 per day for up

          to two hours and $600 per day for more than

          two hours.  Fees for overtime hours shall be

          $600 per day for up to two hours and $1,200

          per day for more than two hours.


SCHEDULE C:  Amusement Ride Fees

     Inspection Fees:

     (1)  Permit renewal inspection fees:

          Amusement ride                                    $100

     (2)  Permit renewal fees are per inspection,

          which may constitute one day or part of the

          day.  If the inspector has to return on

          another day or at another time within the

          same day, additional fees shall be assessed

          at the rate of $300 per day for up to two hours

          and $600 per day for more than two hours.  Fees

          for overtime hours shall be $600 per day for up

          to two hours and $1,200 per day for more than

          two hours. [L 1980, c 19, pt of §1; am L 1998, c 142, §§4, 9; am L 1999, c 163, §18; am L 2002, c 39, §19; am L 2003, c 178, §10; am L 2012, c 103, §2; am L 2018, c 186, §3]