Hawaiian language medium education
Law Journals and Reviews
"Officially" What? The Legal Rights and Implications of `Ōlelo Hawai`i. 30 UH L. Rev. 243 (2007).
"Language Is Never About Language": Eliminating Language Bias in Federal Education Law to Further Indigenous Rights. 37 UH L. Rev. 381 (2015).
Helping Hawaii's Diverse Community of English Language Learners: Does the Hawai‘i Department of Education Meet Federal Standards for English Language Learner Programs? 38 UH L. Rev. 35 (2016).
302H-1 Hawaiian language medium education program;
302H-2 Attendance and eligibility
302H-3 Office of Hawaiian language medium education;
302H-4 Facilities or transportation
302H-5 Student performance
302H-6 Hawaiian language medium state education agency;
districts and complex areas
302H-7 Collaboration