[§302A-321]  Standards-based curriculum.  (a)  When developing a standards-based curriculum and implementing it in a school or complex, at the minimum, the curriculum shall:

     (1)  Be specific in its standards-based scope and sequence over a school year for each grade level and course;

     (2)  Be consistent in course content;

     (3)  Be aligned across all grade levels;

     (4)  Specifically address the state content and performance standards and related benchmark maps; and

     (5)  Be implemented in all appropriate classrooms in the school or complex.

     (b)  School complexes may choose to develop an articulated and aligned K-12 standards-based curriculum in one or more of the following core content areas:

     (1)  Language arts;

     (2)  Mathematics;

     (3)  Science; and

     (4)  Social studies.

     (c)  School complexes shall provide professional development.

     (d)  School complexes that develop a standards-based curriculum shall use standards-based formative assessment tools to monitor student progress, not less than on a quarterly basis throughout the school year.

     (e)  School complexes shall develop rigorous classroom-based performance assessments.

     (f)  School complexes may implement software programs at the school level to help to align school course material with Hawaii content and performance and federal educational standards. [L 2006, c 301, §2]




  Annual progress reports to legislature through 2009 session.  L 2006, c 301, §3.