§183D-4.5  Game management advisory commission.  (a)  There is established within the department a game management advisory commission, which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the board.  The game management advisory commission shall consist of the following nine members:

     (1)  One member from the county of Kauai;

     (2)  Three members from the county of Maui, with one member from each of the islands of Maui, Lanai, and Molokai;

     (3)  Two members from the county of Hawaii, with one member from east Hawaii and one member from west Hawaii;

     (4)  One member from the city and county of Honolulu;

     (5)  One at-large member; and

     (6)  The chairperson of the board of land and natural resources or the chairperson's designated representative, who shall serve as an ex officio, voting member;

provided that each member, other than the chairperson of the board, shall be appointed by the governor in the manner provided in section 26-34, shall be a hunter licensed in the State under this chapter, and shall have leadership experience in working directly with local hunter or shooting organizations; provided further that at least one member shall have knowledge, experience, and expertise in the area of native Hawaiian cultural practices; and provided further that no more than three members shall represent, be employed by, or be under contract to any sector of government.

     (b)  The game management advisory commission shall select its own chairperson from among its members.  The members shall receive no compensation for their services on the game management advisory commission but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses, including travel expenses, while attending meetings and while in the discharge of their duties.

     (c)  The game management advisory commission may recommend policies and criteria regarding the management, protection, and promotion of public hunting in Hawaii and may recommend amendments to existing department policies and procedures relating to hunting, particularly regarding this chapter and chapters 122, 123, and 124 of title 13, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

     (d)  The game management advisory commission shall:

     (1)  Consult and advise the board on any matter affecting hunting, including proposed rules and regulations;

     (2)  Assist in the evaluation and development of game management plans as appropriate or required and any changes to those plans as necessary;

     (3)  Assist in establishing criteria to be used in determining whether an area is suitable for hunting;

     (4)  Advise on studies of areas for sustainable yield game production or enhancement;

     (5)  Recommend to the board the areas that are suitable for game production or enhancement;

     (6)  Recommend policies and criteria regarding the management, protection, and permitted uses of areas that are used for hunting;

     (7)  Assist the department in developing ways and means to extend and strengthen game management areas, other designated hunting areas, and mixed-use areas within the State;

     (8)  In carrying out its duties, consult the most comprehensive up-to-date compilation of scientific data;

     (9)  Make recommendations relating to the process of hunting rules modification;

    (10)  Collaborate with agencies and other persons who gather information and implement hunting programs and data;

    (11)  Take testimony and acquire information as it desires and communicate its findings and recommendations to the board; and

    (12)  Assist the department on policies, plans, and procedures related to the control of game mammals, including aerial shooting activities by the department and its contractors.

     (e)  Any action taken by the game management advisory commission shall be validated by a simple majority of its members.  Five members shall constitute a quorum.

     (f)  All meetings of the game management advisory commission shall be conducted subject to chapter 92.

     (g)  Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the game management advisory commission shall be subject to sections 26‑34, 26-35, 26-35.5, and 26-36.

     (h)  The department shall provide administrative support to the game management advisory commission.  Federal moneys and other moneys that become available to the department may be used to offset administrative costs incurred by the department for purposes of this subsection.

     (i)  The game management advisory commission shall submit a report to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2017, and each regular session thereafter, on its efforts to comply with this section, including a summary of its activities during the year preceding the regular session for which the report was prepared.

     (j)  The game management advisory commission may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to implement this section. [L 2016, c 210, §2; am L 2019, c 111, §3]