584-1 Parent and child relationship defined
584-2 Relationship not dependent on marriage
584-3 How parent and child relationship established
584-3.5 Expedited process of paternity
584-4 Presumption of paternity
584-5 Reserved
584-6 Determination of father and child relationship; who
may bring action; when action may be brought;
process, warrant, bond, etc.
584-6.5 Temporary support order based on probable paternity
584-7 Repealed
584-8 Jurisdiction; venue
584-8.5 Paternity determinations from other states and
584-9 Parties; guardian ad litem for minor presumed or
alleged father; county attorney or corporation
counsel to represent custodial parent or agency;
notice to parents
584-10 Pretrial proceedings
584-11 Genetic tests
584-12 Evidence relating to paternity
584-13 Pretrial recommendations
584-14 Civil action
584-15 Judgment or order
584-16 Costs
584-17 Enforcement of judgment or order
584-18 Modification of judgment or order
584-19 Right to counsel; free transcript on appeal
584-20 Hearings and records; confidentiality
584-21 Action to declare mother and child relationship
584-22 Promise to render support
584-23 Birth records
584-23.5 Paternity judgment, acknowledgment, support order;
social security number
584-23.6 Filing of acknowledgments and adjudications with
department of health
584-24 Custodial proceedings
584-25 Uniformity of application and construction
584-26 Short title
Case Notes
By their plain language, §§584-1 and 584-3 do not state that this chapter is the exclusive means by which paternity must be established; thus, this chapter is not the exclusive means by which a determination of paternity can be made. 99 H. 1, 52 P.3d 255 (2002).
The enactment of this chapter: (1) does not displace the Hawaii supreme court's previous decision in Blackshear; (2) does not prevent a proper litigant in a paternity action from asserting defenses based upon res judicata and equitable estoppel; and, (3) a final judgment, including a divorce decree, can serve as the basis for such defenses. 99 H. 1, 52 P.3d 255 (2002).
The term "may", as set forth in §560:2-114(a), is permissive, and, for purposes of intestate succession, a purported heir may establish his or her parent-child relationship with the decedent by any means permitted by statute, including, but not limited to, this chapter. 103 H. 275, 81 P.3d 1190 (2003).
This chapter did not implicate father's fundamental privacy right to procreational autonomy, but rather father's economic interest in not supporting his child, and although father had standing to raise an equal protection challenge to this chapter, that standing was based on a non-suspect classification, i.e., the biological relationship of fathers to their children; thus, because this chapter bears a rational relation to the public welfare, the statute survives rational basis review and father's privacy and equal protection arguments failed. 109 H. 240, 125 P.3d 461 (2005).